From sadat at Mon Sep 9 08:55:06 2013 From: sadat at (N Sadat Shami) Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2013 08:55:06 -0400 Subject: [Sigtis-l] CFP: CSCW 2014 Doctoral Colloquium, deadline Oct 7, 2013 Message-ID: ***Please forward to Ph.D. students at your institution*** The CSCW Doctoral Colloquium is a forum in which Ph.D. students meet and discuss their work with each other and a panel of experienced researchers and practitioners. The colloquium itself will begin with dinner Saturday night February 15, 2014 and continue all day Sunday February 16, 2014. All submissions must be received by the chairs by 5:00pm (17:00) Pacific Time on October 7, 2013. Submissions received after this date will not be considered. All submissions will be acknowledged by email. We welcome applicants from a broad range of disciplines and approaches that inform CSCW, including anthropology, sociology, computer science, cognitive science, organizational studies, and related fields. We are particularly interested in applications from institutions and groups that have not traditionally been well-represented at past CSCW conferences. Applicants should be Ph.D. students with an already well-established direction of research relevant to CSCW, but whose research would benefit from guidance provided by peers and senior colleagues at the Doctoral Colloquium. Preference will be given to students who have a defined topic and program of work e.g., who have proposed their topics and are within 2 years of graduation within a 5 year program or are half way through a 3 (or 4) year program. The Colloquium committee will select approximately 15 participants who will be expected to give short, informal presentations of their work during the Colloquium, to be followed by extensive group discussion. Participants will also present their research in an interactive poster session during the main technical program of the conference. Applicants should submit the following items by email to?dc2014 at the subject line "CSCW2014 Colloquium Submission." All items below should be collated into one PDF file named YOURNAME_CSCWDC2014.pdf (substitute your full name where it reads YOURNAME): * A FOUR-page overview of your doctoral research that describes your research question, work in progress, and expected contributions. This overview should also include (1) a paragraph that articulates what you hope to gain from attending the CSCW Doctoral Colloquium, and (2) an abstract of no more than 100 words. Your overview will be published in the ACM Digital Library and distributed to all attendees as part of the Conference Extended Abstracts. Please submit your overview in the Extended Abstracts Format. * A short (2-3 paragraph) biographical sketch on another page. * An up-to-date curriculum vitae. * Optionally, one publication that you feel best illustrates your progress in your research. * An email letter from your supervisor sent to?dc2014 at that they support your application to the colloquium and that they agree that your research is at an appropriate stage for participation. These letters should also make reference to how you might benefit from the Doctoral Colloquium and how they expect that you might benefit the other students in this group experience. The email should have "CSCW Doctoral Colloquium: " + YOUR NAME in the subject header. Doctoral Colloquium Co-Chairs Claus Bossen, Aarhus University Darren Gergle, Northwestern University dc2014 at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From hrosenba at Thu Sep 12 14:24:18 2013 From: hrosenba at (Howard Rosenbaum) Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 14:24:18 -0400 Subject: [Sigtis-l] ASIST SIG-SI> Winners of the 2012 Social Informatics Best Paper Award Message-ID: The Association for Information Science and Technology Special Interest Group for Social Informatics (ASIS&T SIG SI) and the Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics (RKCSI) are pleased to announce the winning papers of the 2012 Social Informatics Best Paper Awards: 2012 Best Social Informatics Paper ($1,000): ?Toward an Integrated Model of Group Development: Disruption of Routines by Technology-Induced Change? by Monica Garfield, Bentley University, and Alan Dennis, Indiana University 2012 Best Social Informatics Student Paper ($500): ?Knock knock, Whose?s there: The imagined audience? by Eden Litt, Northwestern University The authors will present their papers and receive their awards at the 9th Annual Social Informatics Research Symposium: ?The Social informatics of Information Boundaries? co-sponsored by ASIS&T SIG-SI and RKCSI, on Saturday, November 2, 2013 at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology in Montreal. Information about the workshop The 9th Annual Social Informatics Research Symposium: The Social Informatics of Information Boundaries Sponsored by: ASIS&T SIG Social Informatics and Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics, Indiana University Saturday, November 2, 2013, 8:30-12:30 PM Centre Sheraton, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Organizers: Howard Rosenbaum and Pnina Fichman, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University Fees: Members $90 - early registration ($110 after early registration ends) Non-members $110 - early registration ($130 after early registration ends) For more about the workshop, see To register for the workshop (and the conference), see For more about RKCSI, see Full citations Garfield, M.J. and Dennis, A. (2012). Toward an Integrated Model of Group Development: Disruption of Routines by Technology-Induced Change. Journal of Management Information Systems 29(3), 43?86. Litt, E. (2012). Knock, Knock. Who?s There? The Imagined Audience. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 56(3), 330?345 From agreenwood at Mon Sep 16 10:45:32 2013 From: agreenwood at (Greenwood, Audrey) Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 14:45:32 +0000 Subject: [Sigtis-l] Now available on Project MUSE - CJILS, Volume 37, Number 3, September / septembre 2013 Message-ID: Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science Volume 37, Number 3, September / septembre 2013 This issue contains: Visual Subject Analysis for Dublin Core Research / L'analyse visuelle de sujet aux fins de la recherche Dublin Core Jin Zhang, Xi Meng Abstract: The primary purpose of this article is to conduct a subject analysis on Dublin Core research, investigate subject topics related to Dublin Core research, and reveal their dynamics over time. Documents related to Dublin Core research were identified in authoritative and comprehensive databases of Web of Science, and subject terms were extracted from the relevant documents. These raw terms were regularized, and the multidimensional scaling (MDS) visualization analysis method was applied to reveal semantic relationships among subject terms. The temporal analysis on the related subject terms added a unique dimension to the study. Three periods (from 1997 to 2001; from 2002 to 2006; and from 2007 to 2011), in addition to the entire period (from 1997 to 2011), were analysed and compared in the visual contexts. Obsolete topics, newly emerging topics, and basic topics on Dublin Core research were identified and analysed in temporal subject analysis. Topic changes in the three periods are shown. The findings of this study reveal the hidden patterns of subject associations, illustrate themes of Dublin Core research and their dynamics over time, and shed light on the understanding of Dublin Core research. R?sum?: L'objectif principal de cette ?tude est de proc?der ? des analyses de sujet dans des recherches Dublin Core, d'enqu?ter sur des th?matiques de sujets li?es ? la recherche Dublin Core et de mettre en lumi?re leur dynamique dans le temps. Les documents relatifs ? la recherche Dublin Core ont ?t? identifi?s dans des bases de donn?es compl?tes et faisant autorit? du Web of Science, les termes de sujets ont ?t? extraits des documents pertinents, les termes bruts ont ?t? r?gularis?s, et la m?thode d'analyse visuelle d'?chelonnage multidimensionnel (MDS) a ?t? appliqu?e afin de faire appara?tre les relations s?mantiques entre les termes de sujets. L'analyse temporelle sur les termes de sujets connexes a ajout? une dimension unique ? l'?tude. Trois p?riodes (1997-2001, 2002-2006, et 2007-2011), en plus de la p?riode enti?re (1997-2011), ont ?t? l'objet d'analyses comparatives dans les contextes visuels. Des sujets d?suets, des sujets ?mergents, et des sujets de base de la recherche Dublin Core ont ?t? identifi?s et analys?s dans l'analyse temporelle d'objet. Les changements de sujet dans les trois p?riodes ont ?t? pr?sent?s. Les r?sultats de cette ?tude r?v?lent qu'il existe des sch?mas cach?s dans les associations de sujet; ces m?mes r?sultats illustrent les th?mes de la recherche Dublin Core et leur dynamique au fil du temps, et ils permettent de mieux comprendre la recherche Dublin Core. "I Could Be on Facebook by Now": Insights from Canadian Youth on Online Mental Health Information Resources / ? Je pourrais d?j? ?tre sur Facebook ?: points de vue de la jeunesse canadienne sur les sources d'information en ligne concernant la sant? mentale Diane M. Rasmussen-Pennington, Gemma Richardson, Christine Garinger, Maria Luisa Contursi Abstract: The goal of this research was to learn from Canadian youth how they look for online information about mental health and to explore how they would prefer to receive information. Saturation was reached within four focus groups with a total of 21 youth participants, including 5 male and 16 female participants from various regions in Canada. Focus group participants were heavy users of social media but acknowledged the problematic aspects of using these sites to discuss or access mental health information. There was in general a lack of knowledge about mental illnesses and a high level of concern over stigma associated with seeking or providing mental health information online. Youth expressed a desire for interactive elements and youth-related material on mental health sites in order to engage and inform them. R?sum?: L'objectif de cette recherche ?tait d'apprendre des jeunes Canadiens comment ils cherchent des informations en ligne sur la sant? mentale et d'explorer sous quelles formes ils pr?f?reraient recevoir ces informations. Nous avons atteint la saturation dans les quatre groupes de discussion avec un total de vingt-et-un jeunes participants, dont cinq hommes et seize femmes provenant de diverses r?gions du Canada. Les participants aux groupes de discussion ?taient de grands utilisateurs des m?dias sociaux, mais ils ont reconnu les aspects probl?matiques de l'utilisation de ces sites quand il s'agit de discuter ou d'acc?der ? des informations sur la sant? mentale. D'une mani?re g?n?rale, les jeunes manquaient de connaissances sur les maladies mentales et montraient un niveau ?lev? d'inqui?tude concernant la stigmatisation associ?e au fait de demander ou de fournir en ligne des informations sur la sant? mentale. Les jeunes ont exprim? le d?sir de trouver sur les sites de sant? mentale des ?l?ments interactifs et du mat?riel concernant la jeunesse susceptible d'?veil-ler leur int?r?t et de les informer. Modelling Continuous Percentile Rank Scores and Integrated Impact Indicators (I3) / Une mod?lisation des notations continues de classement par pourcentage et des indicateurs int?gr?s d'impact (I3) Fred Y. Ye, Ronald Rousseau Abstract: Based on the well-known discrete definitions we introduce a continuous framework for percentile rank scores and integrated impact indicators (I3). This is done by taking the integral of a scoring function multiplied by a distribution function. Examples are provided by considering several distribution functions and two scoring functions, where the distribution function can take any form and the scoring function is non-decreasing. R?sum?: Sur la base des d?finitions distinctes bien connues, nous introduisons un cadre continu pour les notations de classement par pourcentage et les indicateurs int?gr?s d'impact (I3). Ceci est fait en pregnant l'int?grale d'une fonction de notation multipli?e par une fonction de distribution. Des exemples sont fournis en tenant compte de plusieurs fonctions de distribution et de deux fonctions de notation, o? la fonction de distribution peut prendre n'importe quelle forme et la fonction de notation est non d?croissante. La tarification des ebooks se structure-t-elle en miroir des prix des livres papier ? Les cas de la France et des ?tats-Unis en 2011 / Is eBook Pricing Structured to Mirror Paper Book Prices? The cases of France and the U.S.A. in 2011 Olivia Guillon, Cl?mence Thierry R?sum?: Nous cherchons ? ?valuer la mesure dans laquelle le march? du livre num?rique se structure de mani?re autonome par rapport ? l'?dition papier en comparant la tarification des versions papier et num?rique de 559 best-sellers fran?ais et am?ricains durant l'ann?e 2011. Deux modes de tarification peuvent ?tre appr?hend?s : une ? tarification homoth?tique ? lorsque le prix num?rique est le reflet de la tarification papier et une ? tarification h?t?roth?tique ? lorsque le prix num?rique est fix? selon de nouvelles r?gles. Les march?s fran?ais et am?ricain n'ont pas la m?me propension ? s'affranchir des pratiques tarifaires en vigueur sur le march? du livre papier : alors que le march? fran?ais de l'ebook se structure en ? miroir ? de la fili?re papier, les acteurs am?ricains s'en ?mancipent davantage. Cela peut notamment s'expliquer par les importantes diff?rences structurelles, l?gales et institutionnelles qui existent entre les fili?res ?ditoriales des deux pays. Par ailleurs, certains facteurs favorisent la tarification h?t?roth?tique : le nombre de pages et le type de livre jouent sur le degr? de diff?renciation entre les prix papier et num?rique d'un m?me titre. Abstract: This study seeks to assess the extent to which the digital book market is structuring independently from the print edition market by comparing the pricing of 559 digital and print French and American bestsellers during 2011. Two pricing methods are distinguished: "homothetic pricing," where the digital pricing is a reflection of the print pricing, and "heterothetic pricing," where the digital price is set according to new rules. The French and American markets do not have the same propensity to overcome the pricing practices in the print book market: While the French market's e-book structure is mirroring that of the print book industry, the American market tends to be more independent. This can be explained by the significant structural, legal, and institutional differences between the publishing industries of both countries. In addition, some factors favor the "heterothetic" pricing method: the number of pages and the type of book influence the degree of differentiation between print and digital prices of the same title. Reviews The Extreme Searcher's Internet Handbook: A Guide for the Serious Searcher by Randolph Hock (review) Jackie MacDonald The New Digital Scholar: Exploring and Enriching the Research and Writing Practices of NextGen Students ed. by Randall McClure and James P. Purdy (review) Paul F. McKenna A respected source of the most up-to-date research on library and information science, The Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science is recognized internationally for its authoritative bilingual contributions to the field of information science. Established in 1976, the journal is dedicated to the publication of research findings, both in full-length and in brief format; reviews of books; software and technology; and letters to the editor. About Project MUSE Project MUSE is a unique collaboration between libraries and publishers, providing 100% full-text, affordable and user-friendly online access to a comprehensive selection of prestigious humanities and social sciences journals. MUSE's online journal collections support a diverse array of research needs at academic, public, special and school libraries worldwide. For more information about The Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science or for submissions information, please contact: University of Toronto Press - Journals Division 5201 Dufferin St. Toronto, ON M3H 5T8 Tel: (416) 667-7810 Fax: (416) 667-7881 E-mail: journals at Website: Join us on Facebook Join us for advance notice of tables of contents of forthcoming issues, author and editor commentaries and insights, calls for papers and advice on publishing in our journals. Become a fan and receive free access to articles weekly through UTPJournals focus. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From hrosenba at Wed Sep 18 17:02:51 2013 From: hrosenba at (Howard Rosenbaum) Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 17:02:51 -0400 Subject: [Sigtis-l] ASIST> SIG-SI Symposium schedule: The Social Informatics of Information Boundaries Message-ID: <> Please join us in Montreal! The 9th Annual Social Informatics Research Symposium: The Social Informatics of Information Boundaries Sponsored by SIG-SI and the Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics Saturday, November 2, 2013, 8:00-12:30 PM Note: Early registration deadline for the conference is Friday, 9/20 Organizers: Howard Rosenbaum & Pnina Fichman (Indiana University) Schedule 8:00-8:10 Introduction Pnina Fichman - The (Information) Boundaries of Social Informatics (Indiana University) 8:10-8:50 Panel: Ron Day, Ingrid Erikson and Howard Rosenbaum - Social Informatics of Information Boundaries (Indiana University, Rutgers University, Indiana University) 8:50-9:00 Break and Poster Session 9:00-10:20 Papers 9:00-9:20 Eric Meyer, Ralph Schroeder and Linnet Taylor - The boundaries of Big Data (Oxford Internet Institute) 9:20-9:40 Colin Rhinesmith - From Paper to the Cloud: The Social Informatics of Information Boundaries in Human Services (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) 9:40-10:00 Adam Worrall - ?Back Onto The Tracks?: Convergent Community Boundaries in LibraryThing and Goodreads (Florida State University) 10:00-10:20 Mohhamad Jarrahi - Social informatics and directions for future research on implications of ICTs in organizations (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) 10:20-10:50 Break and Poster Session 10:50-11:50 Papers 10:50-11:10 Madelyn Sanfillipo - Government Information Access by Native Spanish Speakers: Social and Technical Barriers (Indiana University) 11:10-11:30 Matrix, Sydneyeve - Beyond Maps, News and Weather: Everyday Geomobile Media Use and the Changing Perceptions of Location Based Services (Queen?s University) 11:30-11:50 Natalia Grincheva - A Failure of Digital Diplomacy: Social, Cultural, and Information Boundaries in Online Cross-cultural Communication (Concordia University) 11:50-12:00 Networking break 12:00-12:30 Best paper awards and presentations with discussant 2012 Social Informatics Paper ($1,000): ? Toward an Integrated Model of Group Development: Disruption of Routines by Technology-Induced Change? by Monica Garfield and Alan Dennis (Bentley University, Indiana University) 2012 Best Social Informatics Student Paper ($500): ?Knock knock, Who?s there: The imagined audience? by Eden Litt (Northwestern University) Discussant: Noriko Hara, Indiana University Posters Shuheng Wu and Besiki Stvilia - Work Organization of a Sociotechnical System: The Case of Gene Ontology (Florida State University) Ingrid Erikson - The Borders and Boundaries of Coworking (Rutgers University) Fees: Members $95 - early registration ($110 after early registration ends) Non-members $105 - early registration ($120 after early registration ends) For more about the workshop, see To register for the workshop (and the conference), see For more about RKCSI, see -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From hrosenba at Fri Sep 20 08:32:36 2013 From: hrosenba at (Howard Rosenbaum) Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 08:32:36 -0400 Subject: [Sigtis-l] FELLOWSHIP> Garfield Research Fellowship in the History of Information Science Message-ID: <> Garfield Research Fellowship in the History of Information Science The Medical Library Association Eugene Garfield Research Fellowship promotes and supports research in the history of information science. The $5000 fellowship, established in 2013, is to be used for research-related purposes regarding the history of information science to increase the underlying knowledgebase in this area and enhance the current and future practice of the information professions, particularly health sciences librarianship. Health sciences librarians and information scientists, health professionals, researchers, educators, and administrators are eligible. Applicants must have a master's or doctor's degree or be enrolled in a program leading to such a degree and demonstrate a commitment to the health sciences. The fellowship is not designed to support research for a doctoral dissertation or master?s thesis. The award is not restricted to disbursement in a single year and funding may be disbursed over a period of up to two years depending on the needs of the research fellow. The award may be used to supplement or extend other awards, including other private or government-supported fellowships, but is not contingent on receiving other awards. Please see the MLA Grants and Scholarships page on MLANET for more information. The submission deadline is December 1. Inquiries: E-mail, telephone or written inquiries are welcomed. Please direct inquiries to Maria Lopez, 312.419.9094 x15, grants at -- Ruth E. Fenske, Ph.D., AHIP Associate Librarian Emeritus (academic title) John Carroll University Grasselli Library Mail to: 13610 Shaker Blvd, #302 Cleveland, OH 44120 Phone: 216-397-8785 e-mail: rfenske at From rhill at Mon Sep 23 10:25:10 2013 From: rhill at (Richard Hill) Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 10:25:10 -0400 Subject: [Sigtis-l] ASIST Annual Meeitng - Early extended to Sept 30 Message-ID: <3815-220139123142510485@LEN-dick-2011> Early registration deadline extended to Sept. 30, 2013 Beyond the Cloud: Rethinking Information Boundaries ASIS&T Annual Meeting, Nov. 1-6, Montreal, Canada 83 papers contributed papers 78 posters 28 panels. The program is extremely rich in content and will draw attendance from scholars and practitioners from information related fields all over the world. The conference program focuses on research and technological development on the latest issues affecting information environments, information phenomena, and information users. The program sets to provide a wide range of research topics and related practical issues such as cloud-based metadata, biomedical research, social informatics to collective information seeking, adoption of social media, digital humanities and human information interaction, among others. We hope that the discussions generated by the papers, panels and posters will contribute to expand our understanding of information problems and to help us in better addressing them in our research and professional endeavors. Keynote speaker: Jorge Garcia, a Montreal-based expert in the area of business intelligence and data management. His work involves the assessment and implementation of information technologies. This year, the Annual Meeting follows the 9th International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM), another great venue for learning about developments in information and knowledge management. The presence of ICKM attendees at ASIS&T Annual Meeting should provide additional opportunities for great discussions. . Richard Hill Executive Director Association for Information Science and Technology 1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510 Silver Spring, MD 20910 FAX: (301) 495-0810 (301) 495-0900