[Sigtis-l] Fwd: Research Assistantships Available in Socio-Technical Data Analytics

Adam Worrall apw06 at my.fsu.edu
Fri May 10 14:51:03 EDT 2013

Passing this on on behalf of Virgin Varvel and Catherine Blake at the
University of Illinois. For the potential interest of any senior
undergraduate students you may know looking into pursuing a MSLIS and
interested in data analytics and/or sociotechnical factors surrounding data
and information. Please contact Virgin Varvel (vvarvel at illinois.edu) or
Catherine Blake (clblake at illinois.edu) with any questions.

- Adam

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Varvel, Virgil Eugene Jr <vvarvel at illinois.edu>
Date: Fri, May 10, 2013 at 2:11 PM
Subject: Research Assistantships Available in Socio-Technical Data Analytics
To: "sigtis-l-owner at asis.org" <sigtis-l-owner at asis.org>


Hello, we have the following opportunity. If it is appropriate to your
list, could you please post.  Thank you.****

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Graduate School of Library
and Information Science has two Masters level Assistantships available for
incoming students interested in Socio-Technical Data Analytics. Please
distribute to anyone who might be interested.

Massive changes in how data are created, disseminated, and used have
increased the role that information plays in industry, science,
scholarship, government, and our every-day lives. Socio-technical data
analytics combines both the technical (databases, social networking, data
mining, and text mining) and social (economic, ethical, policy, and
political) aspects of data analytics.

*Description:* The goal of this program is to provide students with an
understanding of both the social and technical aspects of data analytics to
prepare the next generation of leaders who can work with big data.
Classroom experience culminates with a hands-on practicum, project or
research focus on any aspect of data analytics.****

Faculty, researchers and students in the socio-technical data analytics
group at GSLIS design, develop, and evaluate new technologies in order to
better understand the dynamic interplay between information, people and
technology. We are a highly interactive group with complementary areas of
interest that span a range of genres from the humanities and everyday life,
to journalism, scientific literature and the geopolitical domain. Our
research approaches draw on techniques in information retrieval, data and
text mining, knowledge discovery, social computing and collaboration, and
network analysis. Our domains typically include text, but we also explore
multi-media such as games and music, and social media data such as twitter

SODA is part of the Center for Informatics Research in Science and
Scholarship (CIRSS <http://cirss.lis.illinois.edu/>), where the first LIS
program in Data Curation is also based. The combination of Data
Data Analytics <http://cirssweb.lis.illinois.edu/SODA> provide a uniquely
comprehensive approach to Data Science.****

*Responsibilities: *Student will advance research goals in the area of
Socio-technical Data Analytics, attend weekly group research meetings,
progress towards degree, and serve as part of the SODA research team.****


   - Must be enrolled in the Socio-technical Data Analytics specialization
   within the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at UIUC.***
   - Strong understanding of analytical techniques used in library science.*
   - Mathematics, Computer Science, or some programming or computational
   understanding is desired.****

*Benefits :* Tuition and stipend, health insurance and benefits. MS
students 25% during the academic year. Summer funding is also available.****

*Requirements (How to Apply):* ****

To apply to the Master of Science Degree, follow the instructions at
http://www.lis.illinois.edu/admissions/requirements/ms. Funding decisions
will be based on the student's background, future interests, and fit with
project partners. To that end, students are asked to send a 1-2 page
statement that describes (a) how the students earlier educational and/or
professional activities have prepared them for the SODA program and (b) how
the SODA program will help them to achieve their future career goals. The
statement should also include a preference with respect to the project area
such as Food Science, Toxicology, Business Analytics, Plant Biology, and
Watershed Science. Students are also welcome to propose new project
partners. Applications should be emailed to
*sodaInfo at illinois.edu*<sodaInfo at illinois.edu>.
Note funding at the MS level is contingent on pursuing the SODA
specialization (*

*More Information: *

http://cirssweb.lis.illinois.edu/SODA/downloads/sodafactsheetv1.pdf ****

Contact Name: Virgil Varvel OR Catherine Blake ****

Contact E-Mail: ****

Vvarvel at illinois.edu ****

clblake at illinois.edu ****

** **

Contact Phone: ****

217-244-3300 ****

** **

Start Date: ****

August 15, 2013
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