[Sigtis-l] Sentiment symposium research session, Nov 8, San Francisco

Seth Grimes grimes at altaplana.com
Thu Sep 8 06:41:50 EDT 2011

There will be a half-day sentiment analysis research session, Tuesday 
November 8, 2011 in San Francisco, preceding the November 9 Sentiment 
Analysis Symposium, which is more applications focused.

A Call for Presentations is open through September 23.  Academic and 
industry researchers are invited to propose a talk. Presentations should 
address research challenges and the techniques developed or adopted to 
meet those challenges. The page 
http://sentimentsymposium.com/research.html lists suggested topics in four 
categories --
     Sentiment components
     Sentiment and Social Networks
     Business Intelligence and Sentiment Analysis Applications
     Assessment and evaluation of approaches to sentiment analysis
-- but do consider them as providing guidance only.

Proposals will be evaluated by a program committee consisting of Khurshid 
Ahmad, Trinity College, Dublin;  Lipika Dey, Tata Consultancy Services; 
Christopher Potts, Stanford University; Sara Owsley Sood, Pomona College.

The program for the full Sentiment Analysis Symposium is at 
http://sentimentsymposium.com/agenda.html .


Seth Grimes    grimes at altaplana.com   +1 301-270-0795    @sethgrimes
Alta Plana Corp, analytics strategy consulting, http://altaplana.com
InformationWeek, contributing editor           http://sethgrimes.com
* http://SentimentAnalysisSymposium.com November 9, San Francisco *

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