[Sigtis-l] Call For Participation--iConference 2008 wild card session

Peyina Lin pl3 at u.washington.edu
Tue Jan 8 23:33:21 EST 2008

Please share with interested parties.

The Credibility Commons Project invites faculty and students to pariticipate in a 90-min. long wildcard session at the 2008 iConference<http://www.ischools.org/oc/conference08/> at UCLA (Feb. 28 - Mar. 1, 2008), titled “Information Credibility: Let’s Get Serious”. The sessions goals are to:

1)    Discuss the new concerns and challenges of information credibility raised by new developments in search technology, online participatory publishing models, and social networking tools for both consumers and producers of information

2)    Envision potential research, design and development directions to address these new challenges. Senior researchers on information credibility will briefly present their research and engage in discussions with participants to meet the sessions goals.

Space is limited. Register by January 31!

Registration is very simple, and should take only 5 minutes. For more information, check out our call for participation page http://credibilitycommons.org/index.php/iconference2008_cfp_wildcard/.

We look forward to engaging in discussions with you in this wildcard session!

Feel free to email us with questions.

Peyina Lin

PhD Candidate

Research Assistant

The Credibility Commons Project Team

The Information School

University of Washington

credible at u.washington.edu<mailto:credible at u.washington.edu>

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