[Sigtis-l] Call for Participation in ASIS&T 2007 Workshop

Theresa Anderson Theresa.Anderson at uts.edu.au
Fri Aug 31 06:56:26 EDT 2007

1/2 day workshop - Friday, Oct. 19, 2007, 8:30am-12:30pm - Hyatt Regency, Milwaukee, WI
This workshop (co-sponsored by SIG-SI and SIG-USE)  is a hands-on session designed to increase participants' ethnographic research skills and to examine ways that ethnographic methods may contribute to the design and evaluation of Web 2.0 (and beyond) environments. Although Web2.0 environments are far from the ‘natural’ settings of traditional ethnography or usability research, there remains ample scope for observing the practices of information production and use in such environments. This workshop will explore ways that ethnographic principles and techniques can contribute to a richer understanding of the 'user' experience and also contribute to the design and evaluation of the very systems in use.  
The workshop will offer participants the opportunity to work with four discussants from academic and industry backgrounds, who will draw on their own research experiences in the field to serve as commentators on the themes raised in the problem statements participants will be invited to prepare in advance of the workshop. These invited speakers will help frame the workshop around research techniques useful for exploring user and producer practices in contemporary web-based environments. Through a variety of activities, the workshop will offer opportunities for collective discussion of the workshop aims as well as offer participants some suggestions specific to their own research projects.  
ELISABETH DAVENPORT heads the Center for Social Informatics at Napier University and has a permanent visiting scholar appointment at the Rob Kling School of Informatics at Indiana University. She is a senior scholar of social aspects of computing and has received a number of grants from the European Commission under the Information Society Technologies Programme. 
BRENDA DERVIN is full professor at the School of Communication and Joan N. Huber Fellow in Social and Behavioral Sciences, Ohio State University. She is well known for the development and implementation of the Sense-Making Methodology, a philosophically derived approach for studying communication as communication.
ANDREW GROVE is a Program Manager at Microsoft, where current responsibilities focus on intranet metrics, primarily gathering and reporting user demographics and behaviors.  As a legacy responsibility, which continues, he develops, manages, and delivers terminology and taxonomy solutions to internal systems and tools for information access and retrieval. 
SANDRA HIRSH is User Experience Research Lead for Windows Live Web Communications at Microsoft’s Silicon Valley Campus in California.  She leads the user research team focused on Windows Live consumer internet products related to web communication, including Hotmail, Calendar, Contacts, Web Instant Messaging, and Gallery. Before working at Microsoft, she directed HP Labs’ Information Research Program, conducting "research about research" through investigations of how R&D researchers use information and integrate it into their work. 
Members $40, non-members $50, before Sept. 14
Members $50, non-members $65, after Sept. 14
Or email the moderator, Theresa Anderson at: theresa.anderson at uts.edu.au
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