[sigtag-l] ? for the list

Heather D. Pfeiffer hdp at cs.nmsu.edu
Thu Oct 29 09:50:17 EDT 2009


  I would say double that - 50 to 75 per hour depending on how large
  the company is.  As a computer scientist consultant with 10 years
  experience I charge any where from 75 to 150 dollars per hour
  depending on the job.


| Heather D. Pfeiffer, PhD          | e-mail:  hdp at cs.nmsu.edu |
| Klipsch School of Electrical      |                          |
|   and Computer Engineering        | Voice:   (575) 646-7419  |
| New Mexico State University       | Cell:    (575) 496-3502  |
| Box 30001/MSC 3-O                 |                          |
| Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003-8001 | FAX:     (575) 646-1435  |
| WEB: http://www.ece.nmsu.edu/~hdp |                          |

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