[sigtag-l] [Sigcr-l] Call for Papers HICSS Minitrack on Classification of Digital Documents

Emma Tonkin e.tonkin at ukoln.ac.uk
Mon Mar 10 16:59:26 EDT 2008

Hi all,

Apologies for any cross-posting. I felt this might be of interest to 
several on this list.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2008 20:36:04 -0500
From: Barbara H Kwasnik <bkwasnik at syr.edu>
To: sigcr-l at asis.org
Subject: [Sigcr-l] Call for Papers HICSS Minitrack on Classification of	Digital

Apologies in advance for any cross posting, and please feel free to pass on to colleagues and students.



Forty-second Annual

Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences

Minitrack on Classification of Digital Documents

January 5-8, 2009

Hilton Waikoloa Village Resort

Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawai'i

Additional details may be found on HICSS primary web site: http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu <http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu/>

We invite papers for a Minitrack on Classification of Digital Documents. 
Classification of physical documents suffers from the limitation that 
physical objects can be in only one place at one time. In a digital 
environment this limitation is eliminated, and a document can be displayed 
as a member of an endless array of classes. Even so, the basic problem of 
which classes remains as well as the non-trivial issues of how these 
classes are to be identified, defined and implemented.

Traditional approaches to classification continue to guide practice in 
many areas. Typically, such classifications draw their warrant from 
experts who develop standardized terminology, notations, and rules for 
application. The Web has now allowed everyone to be a classifier, indexer 
and developer of schemes. Classifications seem to grow unfettered in the 
digital environment as exemplified in social tagging sites and 
folksonomies as well as in pragmatic and opportunistic classifications 
such as those on eBay.com, and many shopping sites. These new emergent 
classifications, though, are not entirely random, and show evidence of 
deep patterns and regularities. The discovery of the fundamental 
principles underlying emergent and collaborative classifications is an 
exciting and important area for research.

As well, we see great development in the field of automatic 
classification. Previously, many researchers firmly believed that only a 
human could create a "meaningful" classification. Proponents of automatic 
classification point out, however, that classifications designed to be 
understood by humans are often inconsistent, expensive to build and 
maintain, rigid and often biased, slow-moving, and do not take advantage 
of patterns that emerge only when viewed from the perspective of many 
thousands of instances-too many for the human brain to manipulate.

The two fields of semantic and automatic classification have slowly come 
closer, and primarily through the integration of both kinds of 
perspectives in designing efficient but conceptually robust systems. Thus, 
we see the development of various intellectual tools such as taxonomies 
and ontologies, which focus not only on purely mechanical clustering, but 
also on the meaningful relationships between and among the clusters. 
Conversely, the ability to manipulate and automatically explore very large 
corpora has provided a forum for applying and refining those same 
intellectual tools. That is, we see a convergence of approaches, each 
informing the other.

Topics of the minitrack will address the social, organizational and 
technical aspects of classification for digital media. These include (but 
are not limited to):

*	The role of classification of digital documents in knowledge-management and information-management systems in organizational and societal contexts
*	Genre of digital documents viewed from a  classification perspective;
*	The relationship of traditional approaches to classification of non-digital documents to the classification of digital documents.
*	The classification of digital documents as an element in information retrieval
*	Classification of non-text and multi-media digital documents
*	Analyses of classification systems emerging in digital media, e.g. the Web, mobile communication technologies, e-mail, instant messaging and multi-media communication environments
*	Bottom up classifications such as folksonomies and tag clouds
*	Issues related to transformation of classifications of digital media from one medium to another
*	Understanding of change and socio-organizational enactment processes of classification of digital documents
*	Classification for categorization/routing/filtering of text documents;
*	Theoretical and methodological elaborations of classification theory for enhancing research and/or practice of utilizing digital media.

Minitrack co-chairs:

Barbara Kwasnik, Professor (please address all correspondence to this address)

Hinds Hall

School of Information Studies

Syracuse University

Syracuse, NY 13244

Phone: 315 443-4547

Fax: 315 443-5806

bkwasnik at syr.edu <mailto:bkwasnik at syr.edu>

Kevin Crowston, Professor

Hinds Hall

School of Information Studies

Syracuse University

Syracuse, NY 13244

Phone: 315 443-1676

Fax: 315 443-5806

crowston at syr.edu <mailto:crowston at syr.edu>


>From now to June 1: If you wish, you may prepare an abstract and contact 
>the minitrack chairs for guidance and indication of appropriate content.

June 15: Authors submit full papers by this date, following the AUTHOR 
INSTRUCTIONS <http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu/hicss_42/authorinstruction.htm> 
. Please consult the HICSS main website for complete information 
http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu <http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu/> All papers will 
be submitted in double column publication format and limited to 10 pages 
including diagrams and references. HICSS papers undergo a double-blind 
review (June15 - August15).

August 15: Acceptance notices are sent to Authors. At this time, at least 
one author of an accepted paper should begin visa, fiscal and travel 
arrangements to attend the conference to present the paper.

September 15: Authors submit Final Version of papers following submission 
instructions posted on the HICSS web site. At least one author of each 
paper must register by this date with specific plans to attend the 

October 2: Papers without at least one registered author will be pulled 
from the publication process; authors will be notified.

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2008 Annual Meeting 
People Transforming Information - Information Transforming People
October 24-29, 2008, Columbus, Ohio
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