[Sigsti-l] FREE Webinar: Electronic Lab Notebooks (ELNs): Capturing laboratory activity as it happens.

Moriana Garcia garciam at denison.edu
Tue May 5 12:14:22 EDT 2015


*Join us for a webinar about Electronic Lab Notebooks (ELNs), one of the
tools available to help science researchers manage their data between the
Data Management Plan and the repository. *

 "SIG STI Webinar: Electronic Lab Notebooks (ELNs): Capturing laboratory
activity as it happens".

*Date:* Thursday, May 21, 2015, 2:00pm-3:00pm (EDT)

*Description:* Join us for a webinar about Electronic Lab Notebooks (ELNs),
one of the tools available to help science researchers manage their data
between the Data Management Plan and the repository. Wendy Kozlowski from
Cornell University, Evan Simpson from Tufts University and Kristin Bogdan
from Yale University will talk about how their libraries have worked with
others across campus to provide access to ELN software, incorporating ELNs
as part of the larger research data management support system, and some
possible future directions for ELNs in academic libraries.

*Registration required: *https://www.asist.org/events/webinars/

*Cost*: FREE


*Sponsored by:*

*ASIS&T SIG-STI* (Association for Information Science & Technology -
Special Interest Group - Scientific and Technical Information):

*ACRL-STS HTDG* (Association of College and Research Libraries - Science &
Technology Section, Hot Topics Discussion Group):


**Please, excuse cross-posting**
Feel free to distribute to any interested party.

Moriana L. M. Garcia, MS, PhD, MLIS
Natural Sciences Liaison Librarian
Denison University Libraries
P.O. Box 805
Granville, OH, 43023
Phone: 740-587-5714
Online profile: http://libguides.denison.edu/morianagarcia

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