[Sigsti-l] Second call for ASIS&T SIG/STI Sponsors a Best Paper Award--Deadline June 30
Jian Qin
jqin at syr.edu
Tue Jun 10 17:42:47 EDT 2014
Dear SIG/STI members:
The deadline for the award is fast approaching. Please consider submitting an application or nomination for this Best Paper Award sponsored by SIG/STI! See below for application/nomination details:
ASIST SIG/STI this year will sponsor a Best Paper Award. I encourage you and your colleagues to apply. Please see announcement below:
ASIST SIG/STI Best Paper Award Announcement
1. Nature of the award
Author or authors who win the SIG/STI best paper award will receive a cash stipend of $300 to attend the ASIS&T annual conference. They will receive the $300 award, in recognition of their winning paper, at the STI business meeting during the ASIS&T annual conference.
2. Purpose of the award
The purpose of the award is to recognize the best paper in the library and information science literature that falls within the scope of Scientific and Technical Information, which was published during the previous calendar year in either a peer reviewed journal or a conference proceeding.
3. Eligibility criteria for the award
* Paper must have been published in a peer reviewed journal or conference proceeding within the last calendar year.
* At least one author must be a current member of SIG STI.
* At least one author must register for the ASIS&T annual conference and attend the SIG STI business meeting during the ASIS&T annual conference.
* The subject of the paper must fall within the scope of Scientific and Technical Information.
4. Administration of the award
The Paper Award is sponsored by SIG STI. It is administered by the SIG STI Awards Jury.
5. Nominations for the award
Nominations shall be sent by email to the Award Jury Chair, Professor Qin Jian, at jqin at syr.edu<mailto:jqin at syr.edu>.
The nomination must include: a full citation; brief explanation why the paper was nominated; copy of the article. An individual may nominate himself or herself.
6. Selection of the Awardee
Jury members will have access to copies of the nominated papers. Content of each eligible paper shall be appraised and the maximum number of points each paper can accumulate is 100. Each paper will be evaluated in terms of the following criteria:
a. Theoretical framework and/or conceptual relevance to Scientific and Information Technology - 10 points maximum
b. Problem statement, appropriateness of the methodology and references - 20 points maximum
c. Significance and implications of the findings - 30 points maximum
d. Innovation and originality - 30 points maximum
e. Clarity of expression - 10 points maximum.
7. Presentation of Award
The award shall be announced and presented to the winning author by the Jury Chair during the SIG-STI business meeting at the annual conference of the Society.
8. Publicity
The award announcement has been posted on the SIG STI listserv and other related mailing lists, the SIG STI web site (http://www.asis.org/SIG/SIGSTI/wordpress/?page_id=33), and SIG STI social media site.
9. Deadline
* The Call for Submissions for the SIG STI Paper Award shall be published during the spring.
* The Submission Deadline is June 30th.
* Selection of the awardee shall be notified two months before the start of the ASIST annual meeting.
Jian Qin, Ph.D.
School of Information Studies
Syracuse University
311 Hinds Hall
Syracuse, NY 13244, USA
Tel: +1 (315)443-5642
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