[Sigsti-l] DC-2013/CAMP-4-DATA (Cyber-infrastructure & Metadata Protocols) workshop

Jian Qin jqin at syr.edu
Fri May 17 11:31:50 EDT 2013

This announcement has been posted in multiple mailing lists. Please excuse the duplication.

(Cyber-infrastructure & Metadata Protocols)

Full-day Workshop: 6 September 2013 @ DC-2013 in Lisbon, Portugal

Web announcement: http://dcevents.dublincore.org/IntConf/index/pages/view/camp-4-data-cfp.

(A joint Dublin Core-Science and Metadata Community (DC-SAM) (<http://wiki.dublincore.org/index.php/DCMI_Science_And_Metadata>) / Research Data Alliance (RDA) (< http://rd-alliance.org/>) Metadata Interest Group workshop)

Metadata is vital to the discovery and management of scientific data. The Dublin Core-Science and Metadata Community (DC-SAM), Research Data Alliance (RDA), and related communities advocate for access to, and shared knowledge about, metadata standards that support data life-cycle management. CAMP-4-DATA participants will explore infrastructure design, applications, and policies that can advance the support of open, collective and sustainable access to metadata standards used for managing scientific data.

Participation is open to 1.) workshop presenters, and 2.) general participants/viewers interested in attending the CAMP-4-DATA. Workshop registration is required.

CAMP-4-DATA seeks contributions in three categories:
1.) Short Papers (1 to 3 pages). A short paper cogently addressing CAMP-4-DATA goals. Papers may define current challenges, propose a solution, or report on research underway to advance efforts toward developing a collective and sustainable metadata directory.

2.) Abstracts about metadata tools and technologies (200 words, maximum). An abstract summarize a metadata application or technology that can address the CAMP-4-DATA goals. Metadata tools and technologies will be demonstrated during the workshop exhibition period.

3.) Position Statements (250 word/1 page--maximum). A statement defining a specific infrastructure challenge or policy need that can be discussed during the CAMP-4-DATA breakout session. Policy statement authors will be expected to facilitate a discussion on their stated issue and report discussion results during the workshop synthesis session.

* Submission Deadline: Friday, 28 June 2013
* Author Notification: Friday, 12 July 2013
* Final Copy: Friday, 9 August 2013

Short Papers, Abstracts, and Position Statements will be peer reviewed by the Workshop Advisory Committee. At least one author from each accepted submission must be registered for the CAMP-4-Data Workshop on Friday, 6 September 2013 and in attendance for the duration of the Workshop.

Prepare your submission using the document template available <http://dcevents.dublincore.org/public/dc-docs/DC-1col.dot>. Detailed formatting information is available at <http://dcevents.dublincore.org/IntConf/index/pages/view/doc-format>.

Email the submission file to <camp4data2013 at gmail.com>.

Please include in your submission email the following submission metadata for each contributing author: (a) full name, (b) institution of professional affiliation, (c) preferred email address; and (d) home country. This author information will be made publicly available for all accepted submissions.

Accepted Short Papers, Abstracts, and Position Statements will be published and made permanently and freely available on the conference website for DC-2013 at <http://purl.org/dcevents/dc-2013>.

Sincerely, CAMP-4-DATA DC-SAM and RDA Representatives,

Jane Greenberg, Alex Ball, Keith Jeffery, Rebecca Koskela, & Jian Qin

Full conference: International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, DC-2013, Lisbon, Portugal : http://dcevents.dublincore.org/IntConf/dc-2013

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