[Sigsti-l] New Capabilities of the Geospatial Data Preservation Resource Center

Robert R. Downs rdowns at ciesin.columbia.edu
Fri May 18 12:09:56 EDT 2012

Please excuse any duplication of the following message.

The Geospatial Data Preservation Resource Center offers new capabilities 
for recommending online resources for inclusion in its catalog. By 
selecting the Contribute link on the home page at the 
http://geopreservation.org URL, resources on the preservation of 
geospatial data can be described for discovery by the community. 
Recommendations for online resources might include software 
applications, community blogs and forums, articles, presentations, 
real-world examples, reports, standards, learning resources, and 
websites. Each recommended resource will be reviewed prior to inclusion 
in the catalog.  We hope that you will find these new capabilities easy 
to use and are looking forward to receiving your recommendations.

The Geospatial Data Preservation Resource Center is being developed and 
managed as part of the National Digital Information Infrastructure and 
Preservation Program (NDIIPP) of the Library of Congress.


Bob Downs

Robert R. Downs, PhD
Senior Digital Archivist and Senior Staff Associate Officer of Research
Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN),
The Earth Institute, Columbia University
P.O. Box 1000, 61 Route 9W, Palisades, NY 10964 USA
Voice: 845-365-8985; fax: 845-365-8922
E-mail: rdowns at ciesin.columbia.edu
Columbia University CIESIN Web site: http://www.ciesin.columbia.edu

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