[Sigsti-l] 'The Sun as Art'

Joe Hourcle oneiros at grace.nascom.nasa.gov
Wed Feb 8 17:11:42 EST 2012

At the planning meeting, there was mention of trying to do something 
related to 'science as art' at the annual meeting.

I don't know if anyone (KT?) had a chance to work on it, but I just found 
out that there's a 'The Sun as Art' at the Maryland Science Center (in 
Baltimore) ... but it's only a 3 month exhibit, then it's supposed to 


I might be able to get Steele (who did the work), to print some posters of 
the images that I could bring to the annual meeting, as it's really 
doubtful it'd stay in Baltimore.  (he said he's waiting for offers, as it 
only opened this week)


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