[Sigsti-l] FW: DC-Science and Metadata Agenda, DC-2011

Jian Qin jqin at syr.edu
Sun Sep 18 09:51:44 EDT 2011

From: DCMI Science and Metadata Community [mailto:DC-SCIENCE at JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Greenberg, Jane
Sent: Sunday, September 18, 2011 12:47 AM
Subject: DC-Science and Metadata Agenda, DC-2011

DC2011 Science and Metadata
This is an open invitation to join the DCMI-SAM (Science and Metadata) community meeting @ DC-2011.  The meeting is free and open to all DC-2011 attendees.  DC-SAM wiki is @:  http://purl.org/dc/science.

Date/Time/Place: Thursday, 22 September/14:00-15:30/The National Library of the Netherlands/Koninklijke Bibliotheek: http://www.kb.nl/hpd/wegwijzer/plattegrond-en.html.

Meeting Agenda
1. Welcome and Introductions (Jane Greenberg, UNC/Metadata Research Center.)
2. Context and brief updates for DC-SAM community (Jane Greenberg)
3. Status report: DataCite Dublin Core (DC2) Application Profile: Progress Report (Jian Qin, Syracuse U.)
4. Presentations:
4.1:   Overview of Scientific Metadata for Data Publishing, Citation, and Curation (Alex Ball, Research Officer, UKOLN)
Scientific data as a resource type is very hard to characterize, not least because of the sheer variety of requirements placed on it by different areas of research. It is no surprise, then, that scientific metadata has traditionally been very discipline- and application-specific. With the rise of interdisciplinary research and data sharing, though, there is increasing pressure for common standards in areas such as data discovery and curation. Mr. Ball will report on his research assessing the feasibility of a common metadata profile for scientific data discovery, and ask "Is it worth a try?"
4.2:   Elsevier Metadata Design for Smart Content (Michael Lauruhn, Disruptive Technology Director, Elsevier Labs; Véronique Malaisé, Head of Taxonomy Center, Content Enrichment Center)
Elsevier researchers will review SKOS and Resource Description Framework (RDF) considerations for Smart Content initiatives that facilitate the move into a Linked Data environment. The presentation will include an overview of EMMeT (Elsevier Merged Medical Taxonomy) and ongoing research in the area of Smart Content including an overview of prototypes and previews of products.
5. Open discussion
6. Future charter and group activity
Link back to DCMI Science and Metadata main page: http://wiki.dublincore.org/index.php/DCMI_Science_And_Metadata (or http://purl.org/dc/science).

Sincerely, DC-SAM community co-leaders Alex, Jane, and Jian

Jane Greenberg, Professor and
Director of the Metadata Research Center <MRC>
School of Information and Library Science
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
CB #3360, 205 Manning Hall
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-3360

Email: janeg at email.unc.edu<mailto:janeg at email.unc.edu>
Tel.:  919-962-8066/Fax.: 919-962-8071
Web:   http://ils.unc.edu/~janeg
<MRC>  http://ils.unc.edu/mrc

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