[Sigsti-l] Build Library Apps for Science and win $15, 000 / $10, 000 / $5, 000 (fwd)

Joe Hourcle oneiros at grace.nascom.nasa.gov
Mon May 9 13:04:10 EDT 2011

I thought this might be of interest to some of the people on here.  (and 
not just because of the money, the whole science+libraries thing, too).


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 9 May 2011 06:33:25 -0400
From: "Caprio, Remko (ELS-NYC)" <R.Caprio at ELSEVIER.COM>
Reply-To: Code for Libraries <CODE4LIB at LISTSERV.ND.EDU>
Subject: [CODE4LIB] Build Library Apps for Science and win $15,000 / $10,
     000 / $5,000

I want to invite librarians and library information system professionals to 
participate in a software competition for SciVerse applications. You can build 
applications to enhance and customize the end-user's search needs, improving 
their research through a library Sciverse application.

SciVerse is an OpenSocial (also used by OCLC's Cooperative Platform and iGoogle 
for instance, and with 900 million end-users worldwide) based network and apps 
platform for Elsevier products: Hub, ScienceDirect, Scopus, SciTopics and 
Applications. With SciVerse you can create your own library application and 
embed it directly within SciVerse content, while connecting with third party 
open APIs and open data, and thus improving the experience of SciVerse for your 
particular library.

For more information about the challenge go to http://appsforscience.com

For more information about SciVerse go to http://developer.sciverse.com

Examples of SciVerse applications are:

- Illinois Catalog Viewer, which allows users to browse related
   search results in the Illinois Library catalog. (a white-labeled open
   source version for VuFind catalogs, developed in collaboration with the
   University of Illinois and VuFind will be available soon).

- CiteSeer, which shows related search results in CiteSeerX in
   the context of SciVerse searches (developed by Mark Harmer, winner of
   Elsevier Challenge at Code4Lib, available soon)

About Apps for Science

Deadline: July 31, 2011

Elsevier is offering $35,000 in prizes and challenging software developers to 
help researchers, librarians and students navigate the scientific content, 
improve search and discovery, visualize sophisticated data in more insightful 
and attractive ways and stimulate collaboration.

Elsevier has opened the scientific content and provided APIs for developers to 
create apps that improve researcher and librarian productivity and workflow.

Developers are encouraged to collaborate and develop the best apps to enhance 
and customize your end user's experience of SciVerse. Developers retain full IP 
rights to their submissions and can host their apps on Elsevier's SciVerse 
Application Marketplace where you can market their apps and gain revenue from 
15 million users in over 10,000 institutions. Apps For Science is open to 
individual residents and organizations domiciled in seven countries: Australia, 
India, Japan, Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom and the United States .


Remko Caprio
Developer Network | Elsevier
Developer Platform Evangelist

360 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10010 USA
Tel +1 (212) 633 3785
Mobile +1 (718) 679 8532
Skype: remkocaprio
IM: remkocaprio
r.caprio at elsevier.com
http://developer.sciverse.com/blog <http://developers.sciverse.com/blog>



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