[Sigsti-l] Fwd: Faculty Searches - Syracuse University School of Information Studies
Jian Qin
jqin at syr.edu
Wed Aug 10 16:32:24 EDT 2011
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Begin forwarded message:
From: Milton L Mueller <mueller at SYR.EDU<mailto:mueller at SYR.EDU>>
Date: August 10, 2011 4:27:53 PM EDT
Subject: Faculty Searches - Syracuse University School of Information Studies
Reply-To: Milton L Mueller <mueller at syr.edu<mailto:mueller at syr.edu>>
Faculty Searches
Syracuse University's School of Information Studies (The iSchool) is soliciting applications to join its renowned and interdisciplinary faculty. The iSchool will be hiring for multiple positions and welcomes applications from emerging and established scholars.
Located at the center of the picturesque Syracuse University campus in a recently custom-renovated building, we seek entrepreneurial colleagues with a passion for innovative scholarship, a desire to work with others on interdisciplinary projects and enthusiasm for teaching. With an enrollment of 70 doctoral students, 550 masters students and 450 undergraduates, led by 42 full-time faculty and over 100 part-time faculty, the iSchool pursues excellence in both research and teaching. It hosts seven research centers and laboratories with recognized strengths in virtual collaboration, natural language processing and information retrieval, Internet governance and telecommunications policy, digital literacy, information management, digital libraries, information and network security, online survey research and others. More broadly, Syracuse University is committed to Scholarship in Action. There are campus-level initiatives on aging-in-place, Internet governance, sustainability, urban education, as well as strategic partnerships with J.P. Morgan Chase, IBM and others that are reflected in a focus on Global Enterprise Technologies.
We seek scholars whose research activities complement and extend those of current faculty members. The iSchool has designated the following three areas for expanding our research capabilities: 1) e-Science / Data science, 2) Entrepreneurship and 3) Social Media. E-Science is a broad category that includes technology-supported scientific collaboration, development of digital collections (e.g., digital humanities), access and retrieval tools, and computational social science involving large-scale quantitative data and data analysis skills. Entrepreneurship involves the study or practice of innovation in markets and firms, and the analysis of practices that encourage or discourage the generation of commercially valuable new ideas in information and communication systems. For us, Social Media studies is a broad field that includes the analysis and study of online social networks, innovative uses of technology and the combinations of social network analysis techniques with other methods to provide new insights into the social, economic and political impact of networked digital technologies and the new forms of organization and interaction formed around them.
The ability to obtain research grants and other external funding sources will be considered a competitive advantage in our evaluations, as will evidence of teaching experience and a strong commitment to teaching excellence. While rank and years of experience for these positions are open, a completed Ph.D. in a relevant field of study is required. This noted, we will also consider outstanding ABDs with a strong expectation of successfully defending their theses by August 2012.
Applicants must submit a cover letter outlining their interests (including the rank they are seeking); a curriculum vitae; a statement describing research and teaching interests and accomplishments; and the names and contact information of at least three references to: <website>. We are interested to learn of the candidate's experiences with innovative teaching approaches, online course delivery, and mastery of technology-oriented course topics core to our several programs. Strong candidates will be contacted and asked to provide research samples and a teaching portfolio or other evidence of teaching experience. Please do not submit these items with the initial application.
We will begin screening applicants on 1 November, 2011 and continue accepting applications until the positions are filled. Given the nature and number of our needs, we expect the search to continue through Spring, 2012.
If interested, please check out Job Listing 027875 at the following:
Jian Qin, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
School of Information Studies
Syracuse University
311 Hinds Hall
Syracuse, NY 13244
Tel: 315-443-5642
Fax: 315-443-5806
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