[Sigsti-l] Forwarding: Call for posters: Chemistry Division theme, SLA Annual, June 2009

Pikas, Christina K. Christina.Pikas at jhuapl.edu
Tue Jan 20 09:15:22 EST 2009

(I'm SLA-dCHE's liaison to ASIS&T - you may contact me or Bill Armstrong with any questions)

Call for Posters: SLA Annual Conference - Washington, D.C. 2009

Chemistry Division Poster Theme 2009
Scientific Information Workflow: Librarian Perspectives, Best Practices, and Models in the Digital Era

Helping our academic and corporate clients develop efficient ways to obtain, process, preserve, and/or share their scientific information (e.g., data, files, citations, or scholarly research papers) in an all-electronic environment.
THEME SPONSOR: Chemistry Division
LOCATION: SLA Annual Conference - Washington, D.C. 2009
- All Sciences Poster Session and Reception - 
DATE/TIME: Tuesday, June 16, 5:00p.m. - 6:30p.m.

How often have you encountered faculty, students, or corporate researchers struggling to adapt to the nature of electronic information flows, yet clinging to paper schemes that no longer work effectively? Paper workflows in an electronic environment not only slow the research process, but also foster patron resistance to increasing amounts of available electronic information. 

Today a vast array of possibilities helps us improve information flow efficiency: custom search alerts, citation management software, PDF storage and retrieval on personal computers, production/storage and sharing of data compilations in large repositories, electronic collaboration tools (e.g., Delicious, Connotea, etc.), and more. What methods for creating new models of electronic workflows have you recently adopted or experimentally piloted? What successes or failures have you encountered in teaching patrons - faculty, students, researchers, etc. - new ways of handling information in an all-electronic workflow, from the literature search to the discovery and publication process? 

Please consider sharing the results of your efforts at the upcoming All-Sciences Poster Session at the Annual SLA Conference in Washington, D.C., June 2009. Your poster presentation could help your colleagues immeasurably as we all seek to cultivate or improve scientists' digital information management skills. The poster session provides an informal and lively venue for sharing your innovative ideas on an important topic.

Guidelines for materials and layout of poster presentations are available on the SLA Chemistry Division website at http://www.sla.org/division/dche/poster.html.  

Please submit your name, institution, email address, poster title, and description (250 words or less) by email to Bill Armstrong at notwwa at lsu.edu. 

The deadline for submissions is March 15, 2009. Any SLA member is welcome to submit an abstract for consideration. In the event that a greater number of submissions are received than can be accommodated, members of the Chemistry Division will be given first preference. All applicants will be notified re: poster proposal acceptance on or before April 1, 2009. 

This theme is being sponsored by the Chemistry Division.

Chemistry Division Poster Coordinators
Bill Armstrong
Irene Laursen
Christina Pikas

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