[Sigsti-l] Call-for-submissions/Journal of Library Metadata (fwd)

Joe Hourcle oneiros at grace.nascom.nasa.gov
Wed Dec 30 16:22:31 EST 2009

It said to feel free to forward, so I'm forwarding it.  Sorry to anyone
who gets this multiple times.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2009 16:03:11 -0500
From: Jane Greenberg <janeg at EMAIL.UNC.EDU>
Reply-To: DCMI Science and Metadata Community <DC-SCIENCE at JISCMAIL.AC.UK>
Subject: [DC-SCIENCE] Call-for-submissions/Journal of Library Metadata

Journal of Library Metadata  (*please feel free to forward)

SPECIAL ISSUE: Metadata for Scientific Data

This special issue of the Journal of Library Metadata presents metadata-related 
trends and practices, research, collaborations, and educational initiatives 
supporting digital data curation, lifecycle management, and use.

Scientific research, in nearly every domain, increasingly relies on digital 
information structures for collecting data, collaborating and disseminating 
findings.  This change has introduced many new challenges and opportunities for 
collecting, preserving, accessing, using, and sharing research data.  Digital 
libraries, repositories, and many types of information centers are seeking 
metadata solutions addressing these data management challenges and for 
advancing the scientific enterprise. Library and information science educators 
are enhancing curriculum offerings to include metadata courses, and integrating 
these offerings into digital curation programs.  Additionally, libraries and 
specialized communities are developing and promoting metadata standards to 
support data sharing.  This special issue of JLM presents *metadata* trends and 
practices, research and development activities, collaborations, and educational 
initiatives supporting curation, lifecycle management, and use of digital data 
stored in library, repository, and related environments.

Please forward submissions electronically (Word document or RTF) to the guest 
editor at:

Jane Greenberg:  janeg at email.unc.edu

Submission Procedure:

Full manuscripts (10-40 typed pages, double-spaced) are to be submitted on or 
by February 17, 2010.  Authors will be notified by February 26, 2010. Final 
copies, with *all* final edits will be due NO LATER than March 17, 2010.

Formatting and citation instructions for authors are found @: 

All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis.

Recommended topics include, but are not limited to the following:

- Metadata curation supporting e-science, life-cycle management, 
authentication, provenance tracking, and other functions and services.

- Metadata creation and quality control processes and policies supporting the 
management, access, and preservation of digital data.

- Metadata structures and programs enabling and demonstrating data sharing and 
re-use, linked data, and interoperability among digital collections and 

- Semantic web and metadata registry developments for machine-driven processing 
of digital data.

- International, national, and emergent metadata vocabularies and semantic 
systems, such as ontologies, scientific taxonomies, Dublin Core application 

- Exploration or use of Web 2.0 (or Web 3.0) technologies integrated with 
metadata efforts (e.g., Folksonomies) for describing or sharing digital data.

- Metadata models (e.g., DCAM, RDF, METS, FRBR) and their application to 
digital data.

- Identifiers (e.g., DOIs) and other naming conventions for tracking, 
authenticating, and providing access to digital data

- Community, consortial, or organizational initiatives curating and providing 
access to digital data.

- Educational initiatives and attention to metadata and digital data curation 
for a new, growing generation of information professionals.

The Journal of Library Metadataretitled from the Journal of Internet Cataloging 
to reflect a wider focusis the exclusive forum for the latest research, 
innovations, news, and expert views about all aspects of metadata applications 
in libraries, repositories, and other information centers.  This focused 
journal comprehensively discusses practical, applicable information that 
libraries can effectively use in their own information management.  Specialized 
knowledge, the latest technology, and top research are presented pertaining 
specifically to evolving metadata use in librariesand related information 
centers.  More information about the Journal of Library Metadata can be found 
online at www.haworthpress.com.

Happy New Year!  jane

Jane Greenberg, Professor
Director of the Metadata Research Center <MRC>
School of Information and Library Science
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill CB #3360
205 Manning Hall Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-3360

Email: janeg at email.unc.edu Tel.:
919-962-8066/Fax.: 919-962-8071
Web:  http://ils.unc.edu/~janeg
<MRC> http://ils.unc.edu/mrc

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