[Sigsti-l] Research Data Access and Preservation, Phoenix, AZ, Apr 9-10

Joe Hourcle oneiros at grace.nascom.nasa.gov
Wed Dec 2 14:50:22 EST 2009

After almost recovering from whatever illness I had at the ASIS&T meeting, 
and then coming down with something even worse the week after, I was 
finally going through the various stuff that was handed out, and noticed 
at the IA Summit, there's a "Research Data Access and Preservation" 
summit, in conjunction with CNI:

 	Research Data Access and Preservation
 	Phoenix, AZ
 	April 9-10, 2010

Unfortunately, i've been blocked from looking at the IA Summit website 
from work, so I don't have more info, but have reason to believe that 
their deadline for poster submissions is next week (Dec 12th):



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