[Sigsti-l] Possible sessions of interest for the Fall AGU:

Joe Hourcle oneiros at grace.nascom.nasa.gov
Thu Sep 4 11:21:36 EDT 2008

I know I've been slacking off lately, and I never did get the last 
newsletter out that I asked for submissions for ...


But well, AGU submissions for the Fall Meeting are due next week (Sept 
10th), and there's a lot of potentially interesting sessions for people 
working in science informatics.  (So many, in fact, that I'm going to have 
a hard time deciding which ones to try to present in)

The full list of 'Earth and Space Science Informatics' sessions is at:


For a list of sessions that Earth and Space Science Informatics is 
co-sponsoring, see :


I've attempted to categorize the most relevent of the sessions into the 
following groups:

 	Data & Records Management
 	'CyberInfrastructure' (includes semantics as well as social and
 		technical issues ... may include other more specific
 	Education & Outreach (where the intended audiance is not the
 		scientific community;  if it's education of the scientists
 		about informatics, I've filed those under the other

I've skipped the more science-heavy stuff, that uses data for modeling, 
prediction and other analysis, unless they specifically mention aspects 
that are more related to information science; and the origin end, where 
it's discussion of new instrumentation and techniques for obtaining data. 
... you may want to see the two above lists if you deal with these topics 
or know people who do that might be interested.

I've attempted to provide an excerpt of the descriptions to show how the 
session relates back to the information science;  see the links provided 
for the full text.


 	IN01:	Earth and Space Science Informatics: General Contributions


 		(the 'everything else' category)

Data & Records Management

 	IN07:	Making Earth Science Data Records


 		... it is essential to build long time series of
 		consistently calibrated, computed and validated data. NASA
 		refers to such long time series records as Earth System
 		Data Records (ESDRs) ... Of particular interest in
 		addition to the scientific significance of the ESDRs will
 		be processes to: achieve algorithm maturity, obtain
 		community consensus on algorithms, generate and reprocess
 		products, ensure product availability and encourage usage.

 	IN08:	Provenance Management for Large Scale Scientific Datasets


 		This session will explore current methods and "best
 		practices" for providing adequate provenance for the types
 		of data sets in use in the Earth and Space Science
 		communities. It will also provide a venue for identifying
 		missing elements and needed changes in the production,
 		archival and distribution communities for such data.

 	IN22:	Data and the Ethos of Science


 		... people increasingly repurpose data in ways
 		unforeseen and unforeseeable by the original
 		investigator or user community. This data sharing and
 		reuse imply certain ethical obligations for both data
 		producers and users. These obligations include ensuring
 		that data are shared openly and preserved for future
 		generations, that data authors receive fair attribution,
 		that data are as accurate as possible, that uncertainty
 		is well described, and that data are not used
 		inappropriately. ... we solicit papers that explore the
 		disconnect between professed ethics and actual practice,
 		especially across diverse disciplines. What is lacking
 		socially, politically, and technically to bring data
 		into the core ethos of science? What are the root issues
 		and how can they be addressed? What is the role of the
 		academy in educating future scientists? We seek results
 		of both formal investigations and practical experiences
 		from both producers and users of data in exploring the
 		ethical dimensions of data.

 	IN23:	Uncertainty in Geophysical Data Interpretation:
 		Implications and Developments


 		... it is of prime importance for the geophysical
 		community to shed light onto great efforts by
 		geophysicists to quantify uncertainties and to provide
 		quality assurance to our communities at large. ...
 		papers that propose consideration of new case studies,
 		that highlight implications of uncertainties in near
 		surface geophysical data interpretations and explain
 		techniques of quantifying and understanding causes of
 		uncertainty, which are very significant for future
 		developments and essential for feasibility studies. ...
 		advances in geophysical modeling towards understanding
 		uncertainties in data interpretation and those that help
 		avoid interpretation pitfalls.


 	IN03:	Emerging Cyberinfrastructure for Geosciences


 		... we use the term to mean the set of reliable,
 		well-specified, and interoperable connections of
 		electronic hardware and software that allows people to
 		discover, learn, teach, collaborate, disseminate, access,
 		and preserve knowledge in their domain.
 		Cyberinfrastructure includes technology ... the networks
 		used and software tools used for analysis and
 		manipulation. CI also includes the social infrastructure
 		used to support interpersonal collaboration among all team
 		members with diverse backgrounds and discipline training.
 		... This session seeks broad contributions on emerging CI
 		in support of all areas of geosciences particularly those
 		that highlight areas where needs are only partially or not
 		being met.

 	IN04:	Rich Collaboration Environments for Geosciences


 		A significant challenge to facilitating collaborations in
 		informatics and cyberinfrastructure projects is the
 		availability of suitable collaboration environments. While
 		there has been an explosion and even proliferation of
 		tools and greater provisioning of interactive
 		user-contributed web-based content, it is still true that
 		collaboration systems and related software are far from
 		robust and complete. ...

 		This session solicits contributions from a broad spectrum
 		of those involved in collaboration: the end-users, the
 		project managers, and the developers. We specifically
 		invite contributions for innovative solutions to difficult
 		collaboration environment challenges, both technical and
 		social/ organizational. We also welcome requirements
 		specifications with the supporting use cases.

 	IN05:	Frontiers in Advanced Information Systems and Earth
 		Observation Technology


 		Many promising remote sensing technologies and systems of
 		space-based observations will be bringing scientific data
 		and observations to Earth scientists in the next 5 to 10
 		years. ... advanced information systems will be storing,
 		processing and transmitting data collected from spaced
 		based sensors so that massive amounts of data will be
 		available for scientists to analyze and include in their
 		models. This session ... solicits papers relating to these
 		technologies that support earth science observations and
 		information systems.

 	IN09:	EarthScope and CyberInfrastructure


 		...  a forum for discussion of the cyberinfrastructure(CI)
 		needs, requirements, and objectives of EarthScope-based
 		science and education applications ... and efforts in
 		related geoinformatics and CI communities ... and their
 		potential use in supporting EarthScope applications.

 	IN10:	Data Fusion: Issues, Barriers and Approaches


 		We welcome submissions describing multidisciplinary
 		settings in which integrative data analysis has been
 		achieved, the barriers to cooperation and coordination
 		found, and specific approaches which overcame these

 	IN12:	Strategies for Improved Marine and Synergistic Data Access
 		and Interoperability


 		... session will focus on solutions to, and strategies
 		for, accessing marine and synergistic data across multiple
 		collections, platforms, systems, and standards. The
 		effective integration of data retrieved from distributed
 		sources depends upon negotiated arrangements of science
 		domain concepts, metadata frameworks, and community
 		engagement. We will hear about successful interactions of
 		these components, managing field data in all its
 		complexity, as well as lessons learned from strategies
 		gone awry.

 		(ASIS&T member Karen Baker is one of the conveners)

 	IN13:	Information Technology Infusion - Successful Strategies


 		This session seeks technology infusion experiences ... and
 		how the corresponding lessons learned can benefit present
 		and future efforts. Examples of problems and solutions to
 		technology infusion in remote sensing data systems are
 		desired, specifically those dealing with data processing,
 		system interoperability and service oriented

 	IN14:	Advancing Digital Watersheds and Virtual Environmental


 		... digital watersheds and virtual environmental
 		observatories (VEO) [are] as a means of integrating and
 		interacting with heterogeneous data sources from sensors,
 		satellites, models and other user-generated contents (such
 		as citizen-science-generated observation data) ... This
 		session will bring interdisciplinary experts ... to
 		present the latest in digital watershed developments and
 		to discuss the research and development needed to realize
 		the full potential of the digital watershed concepts.

 	IN16:	Challenges for Earth Science Software Reuse


 		This session will cover a variety of topics within the
 		area of software reuse, focusing on its application within
 		the Earth science domain and the challenges involved with
 		reuse. ... Topics may include, but are not limited to: web
 		services, challenges faced when reusing assets, how to
 		overcome "not invented here" syndrome, lessons learned
 		through reuse experiences, preparing and packaging assets
 		for reuse, documenting for reuse, maturity of assets in
 		terms of reusability, creation of reusable assets,
 		modification of reusable assets for reuse in a new system
 		or environment, distribution of reusable assets, methods
 		for increasing systematic reuse, reuse of assets from
 		other domains, case studies of reuse experiences,
 		incentives for encouraging/practicing reuse, education and
 		public outreach, tools and mechanisms that support and
 		enable reuse.

 	IN18:	Complex, Interdisciplinary Ontologies and Automated
 		Semantic Web Data Integration for Hydrology and Earth
 		System Science


 		Two projects ... are attempting to construct new semantic
 		web data integration and ontological tools that will
 		automate data retrieval to advance hydrological science
 		(CUAHSI) and help create an integrating framework for the
 		Integrated Earth Observation System and GEOSS (WaterNet).
 		The session will provide a forum for overviews of new
 		techniques, both within a GIS-framework and a Land Surface
 		Modeling-framework, that will be useful for other Earth

 	IN20:	Sustained, Interoperable Data Systems for Observing
 		Networks: Building the IPY Legacy for Earth System


 		1. How can the research community sustain the increase in
 		observational capability and ensure the data are preserved
 		for long-term access and use? 2. How can data and metadata
 		be shared across the various networks in interoperable
 		frameworks supporting interdisciplinary, system science?
 		In this session we seek presentations that describe the
 		status of observation systems and their associated data
 		systems and presentations that describe recommended
 		approaches or lessons learned on data management and
 		interoperable data and metadata sharing in existing
 		networks. In addition, discussion of cost models and the
 		networks of human interaction necessary to sustain
 		observational data systems are encouraged. We particularly
 		emphasize examples of interdisciplinary support.

 	IN21:	Building Interoperability Across the Geosciences


 		There are a number of critical stumbling blocks to
 		overcome in creating the geoinformatics component of the
 		Cyberinfrastructure for the Sciences. These challenges
 		include: agreement on common standards, vocabularies,
 		and protocols; engagement in a vast number of
 		distributed data resources; practices for recognition of
 		and respect of intellectual property; a simple data
 		discovery system with distributed and integrated
 		catalogues; mechanisms to encourage development of web
 		sevice tools for analysis; and business models for
 		continuing maintenance and evolution of information. ...
 		Presentations will discuss progress to date,
 		philosophies, and solutions to problems in informatics
 		and building interoperability.

 	G13:	Ever Faster: Low-Latency Data Collection and Applications
 		Across the Earth Sciences


 		... it is increasingly common for terrestrial networks,
 		and now even Earth observing satellite missions, to
 		provide low-latency data products, despite significant
 		technical challenges and restricted funding environments.
 		We intend this session to bring together network and data
 		managers, technologists, and researchers with an interest
 		in low-latency data across the Earth sciences. We
 		particularly welcome those presentations that define
 		scientific needs or new solutions that can foster further
 		growth in this exciting area.

 	H15:	Recent Innovations in Environmental Sensing,
 		Cyberinfrastructure and Observatories


 		In this session we invite studies from the fields of
 		hydrology, remote sensing, geophysics and land surface
 		atmosphere interactions that deal with ... b) design of
 		data-models and inverse modelling approaches that tightly
 		couple high resolution spatial and temporal systems,
 		numerical models, and processing and visualization tools
 		(GIS), c) implementation of large scale numerical-modeling
 		and data-management tools using super-computers ...

 	H65:	Integrated Modeling in Hydrology: Advances in Model
 		Interoperability, Architectures, and Cyberinfrastructure


 		... encourage submissions addressing scientific and
 		technical challenges in creating such next generation
 		integrated modeling systems. These include but are not
 		limited to semantic mediation between earth science
 		disciplines, component-based modeling architectures, model
 		coupling paradigms, and scaling between spatially and
 		temporally mismatched models.

 	SA11:	Heliophysics Research Using Virtual Observatories


 		This session solicits reviews of experiences from
 		heliophysics missions, ground-based projects and the
 		general user communities that use current and legacy data.
 		Presenting researchers are encouraged to describe how one
 		or more Virtual Observatories are or may be used to
 		conduct research. We also seek to bring together
 		researchers and developers to exchange ideas, demonstrate
 		innovations and share perspectives on the effectiveness of
 		the heliophysics Virtual Observatories. Developers are
 		asked to describe advances and innovations that could
 		further advance heliophysics research. Overviews of how
 		researchers and data providers can use and participate in
 		a Virtual Observatory, as well as share results are


 	IN02:	Visualizing Scientific Data Using KML and Virtual Globes


 		... seeks to provide a forum for users to exchange ideas,
 		promote concepts and demonstrate innovations using KML
 		and/or globe and other geobrowser technologies. We also
 		welcome participation from the wider 3D visualization
 		scientific user community.

 	ED19:	Solid Earth Geovisualizations


 		... This session will highlight visualizations of these
 		data in 3 and 4 dimensions and their applications in
 		geoscience research, education and outreach. ... We invite
 		contributions from scientists and educators who are
 		developing and using innovative methods of visualizing
 		data from seismology, geodesy, geodynamics, subsurface
 		exploration and other fields investigating the solid Earth.

Education & Outreach

 	ED10:	Promoting the Use of Cyberinfrastructure in the Classroom:
 		Challenges and Success Stories


 		... online data resources are often geared toward domain
 		research and present challenges to both non-specialist
 		instructors and students in how to develop teaching
 		modules and reach learning goals, respectively. This
 		session invites papers that provide detailed examples of
 		how online resources are applied in the undergraduate
 		classroom and the range of success attained in the various

 	ED14:	Teacher Professional Development Programs Promoting
 		Authentic Scientific Research in the Classroom


 		This session will focus on [people] providing K-12
 		teachers with authentic research experiences in science
 		and engineering. Presentations should highlight best
 		practices for the "Teacher Research Experience" (TRE)
 		model. Presentations by those who design, facilitate,
 		evaluate, and fund TRE programs are especially encouraged,
 		as well as presentations by teachers and scientists who
 		have participated in such programs. Presentations on new
 		or ongoing successful models for long and short-term
 		teacher research experiences are invited ...
 		Scientist-teacher research teams are particularly
 		encouraged to submit abstracts for the session.

 	(see also ED19, above)

Joe Hourcle

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