[Sigsti-l] 2009 SIG officer announcement

John D'Ignazio jadignaz at syr.edu
Wed Oct 29 14:38:23 EDT 2008

Hi SIG/STIers:

Wanting to let you about our dear SIG's election of officers! We had a  
good turnout of energetic souls, some of whom were newly aware of our  
SIG and are either researching in, working in, or learning about the  
area, who attended the planning meeting on Monday, October 27th. New  
faces even embraced the idea of nomination to serve as officers. The  
following were elected as a slate unanimously:

chair:  John D'Ignazio jadignaz at syr.edu
chair-elect: Airong Luo airongl at umich.edu
outgoing chair, Phillip Edwards pmedward at email.unc.edu
secretary/treasurer: Elisabeth Jones eaj6 at u.washington.edu
communications officer: Robert Downs rdowns at ciesin.columbia.edu
awards coordinator:  Jian Qin jqin at syr.edu
webmaster:  Darcy Duke darcy at MIT.EDU

Thanks to all attendees (and contributors from the field not able to  
make the planning meeting) for your participation and ideas for the  
future. The minutes will be circulated shortly. Here's looking forward  
to an exciting year for SIG/STI -- with lots of panels prepared and  
accepted for next Annual Meeting (no pressure)!


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