[Sigsti-l] SIG-STI Meeting Minutes, 10.27.08
Elisabeth Jones
eaj6 at u.washington.edu
Mon Nov 17 14:39:25 EST 2008
Hi all,
Below are the minutes from the planning meeting held October 27, at
the ASIS&T Annual Meeting in Columbus. Enjoy!
Meeting Minutes
27 October 2008
Officer reports
Transfer of chair and awards for previous officers
Election of new officers
Workshop @ next annual meeting
Sessions for next year
I. Officer Reports
a. Currently 333 members: 166 individuals, 167 institutions
b. $666 in the current funds ~$450 for the funds going forward
c. Weimao Ke, doctoral student winner from the University of
North Carolina, Chapel Hill, received the CAS Student Travel Award:
took a photo
II. Officially transferred the chair from Phillip Edwards
lately of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill to John
D’Ignazio, of Syracuse University
III. Recruitment of new officers (includes a brief
description of the positions) – officer candidates were elected as a
slate unanimously
a. Chair elect (learning position to help the chair) –Airong Luo
of the University of Michigan
b. Secretary/Treasurer (takes notes at the annual planning
meeting, watches the budget, communicates with ASIS&T headquarters to
issue checks: cover part of annual operating cost of CHMINF-L
listserv, help out non-ASIST members to travel to Annual Meetings and
serve as STI-sponsored panelists,) - Elisabeth Jones of the University
of Washington
c. Communications officer (vets the listserv and does the
newsletter): nomination in absentia from the new chair: Robert Downs
of Columbia University’s Center for International Earth Science
Information Network (CIESIN)
d. Awards coordinator (arranges money transfer from CAS for the
student travel award, runs selection process for award) – no change
Jian Qin of Syracuse University has held this position for many years
e. Webmaster – – no change Darcy Duke of MIT has held this
position for many years
i. Debate about
merging with the communications position by having a wiki rather than
the website
IV. Outreach
a. Is there something the SIG needs to do to get new members or
reach out to the association?
b. Several panels at current and recent annual meetings that
should have the SIG’s name on it given the topic but doesn’t. If that
SIG does all the work, people aren’t pleased when other SIGs appear
and take the credit implicitly by appearing on the program
i. Solution: the
SIG should push more to participate/share on panels
ii. Solution: Two
staff should participate in the all SIG meeting to cover more bases of
interest and set up collaborations
c. Is there a way to reach out to data scientists/data librarians
to let them know about ASIST and SIG/STI? There is a growing need for
such positions and people are filling them – they should be involved
and join.
d. As the SIG thinks about panels, we should focus on how the
information is handled and viewed internationally
V. Proposed panels for next year’s Annual Meeting
a. Sharing data across boundaries – 3 speakers from at least three
diff countries (at least one from Canada). Also three disciplines –
would be a hat trick! panel shepherd: Joe Hourcle/Gail Hodge
b. Data librarian / data scientist: best practices/ongoing
projects – panel shepherd: Jian Qin/Elisabeth Jones
c. Social practices of data sharing in Int’l Librarianship
(developed vs. developing) – panel shepherd: Airong Luo
d. Education of science data curation: strategies for student
recruitment, teaching methods, balancing scientist participation,
curriculum development – panel shepherd: John D’Ignazio
VI. Workshop (1/2 day or whole day) - Training Session on
How to do Data Librarianship – a DASER conference
a. May have problems because they are looking for funding from NSF
& next year’s conf is in Canada
b. Could propose doing it with local SIG (PNW) as workshop in
Seattle the weekend before ASIST and get sponsorship from Boeing/
Microsoft– decided to pursue this idea
Elisabeth Jones
Doctoral Student
The Information School
University of Washington
eaj6 at u.washington.edu
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