[Sigsti-l] JOBS: Two positions at Johns Hopkins (fwd)

Joe Hourcle oneiros at grace.nascom.nasa.gov
Mon Feb 25 11:41:54 EST 2008

I was asked to pass this along to the SIG-STI mailing list.

They've relaxed their qualifications, so if you know of anyone looking to 
get into STI without actual STI experience, this could be a good 

Joe Hourcle

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2008 15:47:27 -0500
From: Susan Vazakas <svazaka1 at JHUADIG.ADMIN.JHU.EDU>
To: PAMNET at listserv.nd.edu
Subject: JOBS:  Two positions at Johns Hopkins

(Very sorry for duplicate postings.)

Johns Hopkins is still looking for a Department Head and a Physical
Sciences Librarian.

Physical Sciences or Engineering Librarian

Our department has 12 librarians in humanities, social sciences, and
science and engineering, and we serve as liaisons to the academic
departments as well as providing reference, doing collection
development, giving library sessions to classes, and all sorts of other
cool things.

Please note:   The job advertisement asks for experience in serving
science or engineering patrons (OR having an undergrad degree). This is
no longer a requirement. We are looking for someone who has ever worked
in any kind of library, even if it was before your MLS.

The full job description is here:
http://www.library.jhu.edu/about/employment/rscscience.html .


Library Services Manager

This position is the supervisor of the interesting and dynamic
librarians mentioned above. :)

The full job description is here:

Susan M. Vazakas
Science and Engineering Librarian
Milton S. Eisenhower Library
Johns Hopkins University
3400 N. Charles St.
Baltimore, MD 21218
410-516-4153;  fax 410-516-8399
svazakas at jhu.edu

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