[Sigsti-l] AGU session IN12: Call for Abstracts

Cyndy Chandler cchandler at whoi.edu
Thu Aug 7 09:34:06 EDT 2008

Dear Colleagues:

We would like to call your attention to a session relating to data
management at the 2008 AGU Fall Meeting.  Session IN12 (see details
below) is meant to encourage exchange of valuable knowledge gained from
lessons learned in the course of data management activities.  We are
particularly interested in hearing about strategies and solutions aimed
at improving access to marine and related ecosystem research data.

We hope that you will consider submitting an abstract to this session.
Please help us to advertise this session by forwarding this message to
colleagues who may not be reached through any of the lists we have used
for this posting.

The 2008 AGU Fall Meeting will be held December 15-19 in San Francisco.
The abstract submission deadline is September 10, 2008, and information
about abstract submission can be found at:

Several informatics sessions related to data availability and
interoperability are being offered at this year’s Fall AGU Meeting.  We
look forward to receiving your abstract for session IN12 and hope to see
you at the meeting.

Best regards,
Cyndy Chandler, Karen Baker, John Graybeal

IN12 session details - - - - -

Strategies for Improved Marine and Synergistic Data Access and

Mindful of the growing number of ecological research data systems, data
management efforts and underlying ontologies, this special session will
focus on solutions to, and strategies for, accessing marine and
synergistic data across multiple collections, platforms, systems, and
standards. The effective integration of data retrieved from distributed
sources depends upon negotiated arrangements of science domain concepts,
metadata frameworks, and community engagement. We will hear about
successful interactions of these components, managing field data in all
its complexity, as well as lessons learned from strategies gone awry.
This session represents an opportunity for the marine and related data
management communities to draw together our diverse data management
experiences and appreciate and learn from our collective research
efforts and associated community developments.

This informatics session is cosponsored by: Atmospheric Sciences (A),
Biogeosciences (B), Global Environmental Change (GEC) and Ocean Sciences

Session Conveners:
Cyndy Chandler, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution,
    cchandler at whoi.edu
Karen Baker, Scripps Institution of Oceanography,
    kbaker at ucsd.edu
John Graybeal, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute,
    graybeal at mbari.org

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