[Sigsti-l] Abstract Submission for AGU Joint Assembly 2007 (fwd)

Joe Hourcle oneiros at grace.nascom.nasa.gov
Tue Jan 30 09:41:03 EST 2007

I thought I'd pass along the following list of informatics sessions at the
May AGU meeting, for anyone looking for an excuse to go to Acapulco.


Also, if anyone has an information for the SIG-STI newsletter, send them
along, and I'll put something out once I can fill a page.

(any recent publications by members?  any other articles that might be of
interest to the community?  Should we put something in about what happened
at the annual meeting?)

Joe Hourcle

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2007 13:14:05 -0500
From: AGU Earth and Space Science Informatics Focus Group <Section at AGU.ORG>
To: IN-FG_D at agu.org
Subject: Abstract Submission for AGU Joint Assembly 2007

Abstract submissions are being accepted for the Joint Assembly, 22-25
May 2007, held in Acapulco, Mexico.  The list of sessions and
co-sponsored sessions for your area of interest is found below for your
convenience.  Both the session code and title are included.

The deadline for abstract submissions is 1 March 2007.  For more
information, visit www.agu.org/meetings/ja07/

IN01:  Earth and Space Science Informatics General Contributions
IN02:  Demonstrations of Virtual Observatory Technology in the Geosciences
IN03:  Earth and Space Science Cyberinfrastructures: Data, Tools,
Distribution and Forecast Systems for International Collaboration
IN04:  Technologies, Observations and Models for Conservation and
Societal Benefits in Mesoamerica
IN05:  Understanding the Role of Sun-Earth Interactions in the
Environment Preceding Earthquakes
IN06:  ABAQUS in Geoscientific Applications
IN07:  The Role of Visualization in Addressing Complex Geophysical


A17:   Microphysical Processes in Cloud Resolving, Numerical Weather
Prediction, and Climate Models
G05:   Large Scale Geodetic Networks for Science, Hazard Monitoring, and
G07:   The Global Geodetic Observing System: Providing Constraints on
Mass Movements in the Earth System
OS12:  Ocean Remote Sensing
S07:   Exploration Seismology - Innovative Methods in Acquisition,
Imaging, and Modeling
S10:   Operating High Performance Seismic Networks – Challenges and Tools
SM11:  Heliophysics VxOs, and Supporting Data Systems and Services

We hope that you will submit an abstract for the Joint Assembly and we
look forward to seeing you there.

AGU Meetings Department

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