[Sigsti-l] News re: annual in Charlotte

Flanagan, Patricia A patf at WPI.EDU
Tue Jun 21 09:30:09 EDT 2005

Previous messages I've send to the SIG list were blocked and lost, due to
two different problems - demotivating for communcations, especially since
time doesn't grow on trees.  So communications that went on in terms of
planning for Annual programs and the like, went on off-list, among small
groups of SIG members who had agreed to sponsor technical session panels. I
apologize for the black hole in communications, but the impediment was

Given the ease with which the last message went through, perhaps we can now
share information as one would expect in the information age!  And being on
a roll, here is an update on annual meeting:

Four panel sessions were proposed for Charlotte, and two were accepted. 
They are "sister" sessions:  Managing and Disseminating Scientific Data and
Information: A Technical Discussion (proposed by Jian Qin), and Organizing
the Concepts of Science:  Science Ontologies and the Semantic Web (proposed
by Gail Hodge).  If there were any others I don't know about, could the
folks that proposed them share the info with the list (or at least with me
for preparation of the annual report this summer)?  However, I'm assuming
these are the only two, which is too bad as we had five accepted last year,
but still they are great substantive panels and will be well worth
attending.  Many thanks to Jian and Gail, but also to Jim Campbell and
Angela Murell for the work on the session they proposed, and also to Jian
for the other session she proposed.  They were also great offerings, but
unfortunately they didn't make the cut.

Also, congrats to Jim Campbell who won the NEASIST Student Paper award! 
One additional note: A couple of months back Michael Leach had asked that I
communicate that the rescheduled DASER conference could still be augmented
with pre-conference events or activities on the Friday - daytime - that the
event begins.  This is one of the messages I couldn't seem to get through to
the list, but it's possible that time still allows for additional activities
at DASER if any SIG members have interest in putting something together. 
Just let me or Michael know.
Hope your summers are off to a good start. 
Pat Flanagan, Chair, SIG-STI 
Director of User Services 
Gordon Library 
Worcester Polytechnic Institute 

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