[Sigsti-l] SIGSTI newsletter December 2005

Jian Qin Jqin at syr.edu
Tue Dec 27 14:11:09 EST 2005

Holiday greetings! 

Attached below please find the belated SIG/STI Newsletter. It is a bit brief, but a start for the new SIG/STI year. The PDF version will be available on the SIG/STI home page when the webmaster is back from vacation in early January. Hope this will give you a heads-up for the activities in the upcoming new year. I look forward to receiving more news items from you for the March issue!

Jian Qin, Chair

__________________________Beginning of SIGSTI newsletter________________________________________

DASER-2 Summit Held on Dec. 2-4 in College Park, MD

The themes of the Second Digital Archives for Science & Engineering Resources (DASER-2) Summit include challenges and opportunities in digital libraries, institutional repositories, and open access. DASER-2 was sponsored by ASIST, SIG/STI, and the Potomac Valley Chapter (PVC), in coordination with the Special Libraries Association (SLA) Sci-Tech Division. 

DASER-2 examined new issues and challenges related to digital archives and Science-Technology-Madicine (STM) publishing. Jan Velterop from Springer gave a keynote on “Academic Pressure on the Egosystem.” The rest presentations covered topics on: 
**Impact of Open Access on the future of STM libraries,
**Institutional repository models: what works and what doesn’t;
**Publisher-library collaboration strategies, now and in the near future;
**Institutional repository object issues—theses, datasets, learning objects, etc.; and 
**User needs and patterns related to digital libraries.

Speakers came from academic institutions, publishers, government agencies, and professional associations. The DASER-2 Summit website (http://www.daser.org/) has links to presentation PowerPoint files. The DASER blog contains more information about the DASER-2 meeting.

SIG/STI Planning for ASIST 2006

We had a good planning meeting at ASIST 2005 in November. At the meeting, Michael Leach proposed to hold DASER-3 as a pre-conference for the 2006 meeting. Its theme will be “What is the future of science libraries?” Next year is also the time for the Tri-Society Symposium program (held once every four years and rotating between the 3 societies: ACS, SLA, and ASIST), which will be held as a pre-conference to ASIST2006. 

Other program ideas include: 
**Institutional repositories and LIS education (contact: Robin robin.peek at simmons.edu)
**Scientific visualization (contact: Pat patf at wpi.edu)
**National-level info-seeking survey (contact: KT ktlv at email.unc.edu)
**Data access (contact: Jian jqin at syr.edu)
If you know who may be a potential speaker for one of these topics, please get in touch with the contact person. Or, if you have other program ideas, please email Jian to keep her updated.

A Glimpse at SIG/STI 2005 

*SIG/STI had organized and sponsored three programs at ASIST 2005: 
  **Survey of scientists and engineers: ensuring reliable research evidence for good practice;
  **Managing and disseminating scientific data and information: a technical discussion; and 
  **Organizing the concepts of science: science ontologies and the Semantic Web.

*The CAS Student Travel Award:
This year’s winner is Burcu Tonrikulu from University of Ankara, Turkey. She is a graduate student in the Master of Library and Information Science while working as a full-time librarian at the university library. With the support from CAS and her university, she attended her first ASIST conference and learned a great deal at the conference.

Special points of interest:

*Relevant upcoming conference: 

  **Scientific Data and Knowledge within the Information Society, 23-25 October 2006, Beijing http://www.codataweb.org/06conf/call.html (CODATA'06)

*Recent publication of interest:
  **Expanding Access to Research Data: Reconciling Risks and Opportunities, 2005 http://www.nap.edu/catalog/11434.html 

This newsletter was edited by Jian Qin. There will be three more issues  (in March, June, and September) before ASIST 2006. A call for news items will be sent out when next publication time is near.  
__________________________________End of SIGSTI newsletter_____________________________________

Jian Qin, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
School of Information Studies
Syracuse University
235 Hinds Hall
Syracuse, NY 13244
(315)443-5642  fax: (315)443-5806

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