[Sigsti-l] New SIGSTI-L List Moderator Sought

Ann Eagan Ann.Eagan at NAU.EDU
Fri May 7 12:50:13 EDT 2004

This is your chance to get involved in the Science and Technology 
Information Special Interest Group!  Molly Moss, our current list 
moderator, wants to step down from her list moderating duties.  She is 
quite willing to assist the new moderator in getting started and says the 
task is not difficult or time consuming.  If you are interested, please let 
me know by Tuesday, May 18 at 5 p.m.


Ann Eagan, SIG-STI Chair

Ann Eagan
ann.eagan at nau.edu
Head, Reference Services
Cline Library
Northern Arizona University
PO Box 6022
Flagstaff, AZ  86011-6022
(928) 523-0340 Fax: (928) 523-3770 

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