[Sigsti-l] Evidence-Based Science Librarianship Survey

Cecelia Brown cbrown at ou.edu
Fri Mar 12 13:18:16 EST 2004

Dear Colleague-
I am e-mailing to invite you to participate in a study investigating 
the degree to which you as a physical science librarian/information 
professional use research literature to support your daily practice. 
Cecelia Brown, an associate professor in the School of Library and 
Information Studies, and Lina Ortega, a chemistry-mathematics 
librarian, both of the University of Oklahoma, are conducting the 
study.  The information gleaned from this study will serve to inform 
a range of practitioners of the actual and potential utility of the 
research literature in the practice of librarianship.

Your participation will involve completing an online survey and 
should only take about 20 minutes of your time.  Your involvement in 
the study is voluntary, and you may choose not to participate or to 
stop at any time.  Subsequent presentations or publications will not 
identify you by name, only in summary format as a physical science 
librarian who subscribes to a science and technology listserv.  All 
information you provide will remain strictly confidential.  Your name 
will be automatically removed from your completed questionnaire and 
your responses will be assigned a number.  Your questionnaire will be 
downloaded to a password-protected database.  Only the principle 
investigators, their graduate assistants, and the system 
administrator will have access to the database.

If you have any questions about the research itself or about your 
rights as a research subject, please contact either Brown at 
cbrown at ou.edu or Ortega at lortega at ou.edu, or the University of 
Oklahoma Norman campus Institutional Review Board at irb at ou.edu or 
(405) 325-8110.

If you do not wish to participate in the study, please respond "NO" 
to the question below and return this e-mail.  Your completed 
response to the online survey will be considered your informed 
consent to participate in the investigation.

Thank you very much for your consideration!

I agree to participate in the survey:
	Yes-please click on the following link to access the survey:

Cecelia Brown
Associate Professor
School of Library and Information Studies
401 W. Brooks, Room 120
The University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK 73019
(405) 325-3921
(405) 325-7648
cbrown at ou.edu
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