[Sigsti-l] Bioinformatics Program Survey

Brad Hemminger bmh at tardis.ils.unc.edu
Mon Sep 29 10:13:25 EDT 2003

[This message is being distributed to multiple lists.  I apologize if you're
seeing this multiple times.]

We have compiled a list of bioinformatics undergraduate and graduate degree
or certificate granting academic programs in the US.  This is the 2nd
revision (July 2003).  We welcome feedback on this survey, and would
especially appreciate any corrections or additions, as this material will be
part of a journal publication in the near future.

The survey is available at 

More complete details are available at


Brad Hemminger

Bradley Hemminger Ph.D.
Assistant Professor                             Adjunct Assistant Professor
School of Information and Library Science       Department of Radiology
206A Manning Hall                               School of Medicine
University of North Carolina                    University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, North Carolina  27599-3360         Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7510

(919) 966-2998                                  (919) 966-2998
(919) 962-8071  (fax)                           (919) 843-8740 (fax)
bmh at ils.unc.edu                                 bmh at ils.unc.edu

Joint Appointment in the Carolina Center for Genome Sciences 

Bioinformatics at School of Information and Library Science

Digital Libraries at UNC-CH

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