[Sigsti-l] REMINDER: ASIS&T Summit on Digital Archives for Science & Engineering Resources (DASER), Nov 21-23, 2003

dhelman at MIT.EDU dhelman at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 21 12:35:59 EDT 2003

REMINDER:  Early Bird Registration Deadline this Friday, Oct. 24, 2003!!

ASIS&T Summit on Digital Archives for Science & Engineering Resources (DASER)

Advanced registration has just opened for the Summit on Digital Archives for 
Science & Engineering Resources (DASER).  This Summit, sponsored by the 
American Society for Information Science & Technology (ASIST) New England 
Chapter (NEASIST) and the Scientific and Technical Information Systems Special 
Interest Group (SIG STI), in cooperation with the Physics-Astronomy-Mathematics 
Division of SLA, will take place Friday through Sunday, 21-23 November 2003, at 
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), in Cambridge, Massachusetts.  

Few would dispute the growing use and importance of digital resources in 
support of science and engineering research throughout the world.  The need to 
provide stable, forward and backward access to these resources has long been a 
goal of the information, engineering and scientific communities.  Recent 
developments such as the Open Archive Initiative (OAI) and the emergence of 
open source tools such as EPRINTS  and Dspace have led to the creation of a 
number of scientific and engineering digital archives.  

This Summit will include panels and presentations from academia, non-profit 
organizations, the commercial sector and government initiatives, both in the 
United States and abroad, including:

	DSpace  (MIT)
	BioMed Central 
	ADS (Astrophysical Data System) 

Our key-note speaker will be Clifford Lynch, Executive Director of the 
Coalition for Networked Information (CNI).  

Early-bird registration will be:
$90 for ASIST and SLA-PAM members
$125 for non-members.  
- Rates increase after the 24th of October.  
- The registration fee includes a full, catered luncheon on Saturday. 
- Registration is limited to 150 in order to retain the networking 
opportunities and other advantages of a small conference.  

Further information can be found at: 

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