Maureen Mackenzie mmmackenz at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 17 09:55:57 EST 2006

Panel Session
"Managing in the New Digital Environment"

The SIG Management is seeking presentations for one or
more panels on managing in the new digital
environment.  The presentations may cover management
issues related to digital collaboration, cultures, and
communities in various types of organizational
settings, including for-profit, not-for-profit, and
non-governmental organizations.

Please submit a single page (no smaller than 10 pt.
font) describing your presentation and a list of
questions you will raise for other panel and audience
members to react to. Please submit these to Bill
Edgar, the chairperson of SIG Management, at the
e-mail address below by February 6, 2006.
He will then group these presentations into a panel
submission(s) by the ASIST deadline, February 13,
2006. The presentation descriptions will be included
in the panel submission.

If you have further questions, please contact Bill
Edgar at the following e-mail address: 
bedgar at u.arizona.edu,

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