[Sigmetrics] UNSUBSCRIBE

Gillian Elliot gillian.elliot at otago.ac.nz
Thu Apr 19 16:39:50 EDT 2018

From: SIGMETRICS <sigmetrics-bounces at asist.org> On Behalf Of Björn Hammarfelt
Sent: Thursday, 19 April 2018 7:50 p.m.
To: sigmetrics at mail.asis.org
Subject: [Sigmetrics] CfP: 23rd Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy

23rd Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy, 7-9 November, Borås, Sweden

Call for presentations

Twitter: #nwb2018

You are invited to participate in the 23rd Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy, November 8-9 with an adjoining pre-workshop on the theme of ‘Bibliometrics in the Library’ taking place on November 7 at the University of Borås, Borås, Sweden.

Participants who wish to present a research paper or a poster are kindly asked to submit a 250-word abstract of their presentation. We welcome novel ideas or work-in-progress of interest to a Nordic audience and this year we especially encourage papers with a research policy perspective. You can offer either a paper or a poster. Due to limitations in the program the scientific committee may suggest that paper submissions should be given as posters. Papers will be presented orally at the workshop (ca. 20 min.), while posters will be showcased in a poster booster session followed by a free-form discussion. The posters will be on display in the hallways of the workshop site.

We also welcome scholarly and professional papers on the pre-workshop topic ‘Bibliometrics in the Library’. Please indicate if you are interested in presenting at the thematic workshop.

Deadline for submission of abstracts is the 1st of September 2018.
The authors will be notified of acceptance by the 30th of September 2018.

Send your abstracts (in word or rtf format) to: nwb2018 at hb.se<mailto:nwb2018 at hb.se>.

Participation to the workshop is free. Travel and accommodation have to be arranged and financed by the participants themselves.


Keynote speakers
Thematic-workshop: “Libraries and bibliometrics: institutional and professional perspectives” Fredrik Åström, Associate professor and bibliometric specialist at Lund University Library

Main workshop: Merle Jacob, Professor in Research Policy, Lund University, Title TBA

Borås is located in the western part of Sweden about 60 kilometres east of Gothenburg. The university of Borås is a modern university with a campus in the middle of the city  (The Allégatan 1, Borås). The auditorium, Sparbankssalen is located in the adjoining building at Järnvägsgatan 1.

The workshop is organized by Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS), University of Borås, in collaboration with the university libraries at Chalmers University of Technology and University of Borås.

Workshop chairs

•      Björn Hammarfelt, SSLIS, University of Borås,
•      Gustaf Nelhans, SSLIS, University of Borås,

The event is organised with support from the workshop series steering group

•      Birger Larsen, Aalborg University
•      Camilla Hertil Lindelöw, National Library of Sweden
•      Susanna Nykyri, University of Helsinki
•      Sigurður Óli Sigurðsson, RANNIS, The Icelandic Center for Research
•      Gunnar Sivertsen, NIFU
•      Daniel Wadskog, Uppsala University Library

Björn Hammarfelt, PhD
Universitetslektor / Senior lecturer
Bibliotekshögskolan / Swedish School of Library and Information Science
Högskolan i Borås / University of Borås

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