[Sigmetrics] Final days for registration: Transforming Research, Baltimore USA, October 12-13 2017

Stacy Konkiel stacy at altmetric.com
Mon Sep 18 12:12:54 EDT 2017


Registration is nearly full, so please book your place now for the Transforming
Research Conference <http://www.transformingresearch.org>, to be held at
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, October 12-13, 2017.

Transforming Research will feature two days of panels with leading national
research evaluation experts from the domains of university, funding
agencies, and philosophy, offering attendees the opportunity to support an
extended conversation about the future of the research portfolio, including
new methodologies and metrics to enhance scholarly impact.

To see the full list of speakers, visit www.transformingresearch.org.

Register now and join the discussion in Baltimore!


Stacy Konkiel

PS We are still accepting submissions for lightning presentations, giving
attendees the chance to show how they are developing the impact of their
research. Make your submission and showcase your work.
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