[Sigmetrics] Sackler Colloquium on Modelling and Visualizing Science and Technology Developments December 4-5 (Irvine, CA)

Borner, Katy katy at indiana.edu
Sun Sep 10 16:01:11 EDT 2017

Dear all,
please consider joining us for the forthcoming Sackler Colloquium 
sponsored by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, entitled Modelling 
and Visualizing Science and Technology Developments. The colloquium will 
be held at the National Academy of Sciences Beckman Center in Irvine, CA 
on December 4-5, 2017.

NAS funded Sackler Colloquia address topics at the forefront of science 
that are of broad intellectual interest. These Colloquia are typically 
designed to cut across traditional scientific disciplines 
They provide unique opportunities for leading researchers in rapidly 
developing fields to meet and interact with one another, and to thus 
chart the future of interdisciplinary fields.

This colloquium brings together researchers and practitioners from 
multiple disciplines to present, discuss, and advance computational 
models and visualizations of science and technology (S&T). Existing 
computational models are being applied by academia, government, and 
industry to explore questions such as: What jobs will exist in ten years 
and what career paths lead to success? Which types of institutions will 
likely be most innovative in the future? How will the higher education 
cost bubble burst affect these institutions? What funding strategies 
have the highest return on investment? How will changing demographics, 
alternative economic growth trajectories, and relationships among 
nations impact answers to these and other questions? Large‐scale 
datasets (e.g., publications, patents, funding, clinical trials, stock 
market, social media data) can now be utilized to simulate the structure 
and evolution of S&T.  Advances in computational power have created the 
possibility of implementing scalable, empirically validated 
computational models. However, because the databases are massive and 
multidimensional, both the data and the models tend to exceed human 
comprehension. How can advances in data visualizations be effectively 
employed to communicate the data, the models, and the model results to 
diverse stakeholder groups? Who will be the users of next generation 
models and visualizations and what decisions will they be addressing.

Details are at 

We welcome poster and flash-talk submissions.

Sunny regards,

Katy Borner
Victor H. Yngve Distinguished Professor of Engineering and Information Science
Director, CI for Network Science Center, http://cns.iu.edu
Curator, Mapping Science exhibit, http://scimaps.org

ISE and ILS, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University
Wells Library 021, 1320 E. Tenth Street, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA
Phone: (812) 855-3256  Fax: -6166

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