[Sigmetrics] Greetings from Journal of Scientometric Research; now ​JSCIRES is indexed by ​ESCI

Editor/ J Scientometric Res. editor at jscires.org
Mon Nov 13 05:04:56 EST 2017

Dear All

You will be glad to know that Journal of Scientometric Research (
JSCIRES) [www.jscires.org] is now Indexed by
*Emerging Sources Citation Index (​​ESCI).*

This is part of the Web-of_Science database.

ESCI is a recognition that journal is very well peer reviewed, follows
ethical publishing practices, meets technical requirements, and has been
recommended or requested by a scholarly audience of Web of Science. This
journal will now be discoverable by the Web of Science with an identical
indexing process to any other indexed journal, with full citation counts,
author information and other enrichment. *Articles in JSCIRES will be
included in H-index calculation*, and also in any analysis conducted on Web
of Science data or related products such as InCites.

Many of you have been actively contributing to JSCIRES as authors, book
review, and in the peer review process. This is a reflection of your
constant support.

*As you are aware that this is open access journal and no charges for
publishing, downloading etc. *our only requirement is submission of
well-researched papers that expands our intellectual horizon, provides new
insights, and is useful to the research community that can be broadly
defined by scholars engaged in quantitative studies of STI, innovation
studies and STS. To encourage young scholars and exciting research that
have been conceptualized, we have ‘research-in-progress’ section. Under
Research Note, we would be happy to include your doctoral research thesis,
underscoring the intellectual contribution of that work. Your constant
support will help us to add value to this journal and make it useful to the
research community at large. I also hope many of you will also come forward
to act as reviewer of this journal. Their role will be duly acknowledged by
the journal.

*​Current Issue: *https://www.jscires.org/v6/i2

Thanks and Happy Reading!

Hoping to hear from you

With warm regards

>From the Editorial Desk of JSCIRES
*​​Prof (Dr.) Sujit Bhattacharya*
*Editor-in-Chief*, *Journal of Scientometric Research*
[An Official Publication of Wolters Kluwer Health - Medknow, and
Professor AcSIR| Academy of Scientific Research & Innovation
Senior Principal Scientist (NISTADS)
Dr. K.S. Krishnan Marg, Pusa Campus, New Delhi-110012, INDIA
Landline: +91-11-25843024
Mobile: +91-9999020157
*Email*: editor at jscires.org
*Twitter*: @JSCIRES http://twitter.com/JSCIRES
*Google Scholar Profile:*
*Online manuscript submission*: http://www.journalonweb.com/jscires/
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