[Sigmetrics] There’s a New Ranking System for Universities in Muslim Countries
Amir Reza Asnafi
aasnafi at gmail.com
Fri Mar 3 10:48:19 EST 2017
You can see in this link about ISC, Islamic Science Citation in Iran.
It is about Islamic countries.
Overall Stages toward Development of the Islamic World Science
Citation Center (ISC)
Parallel with the policies of the Ministry of Science, Research and
Technology and Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, the Islamic
World Science citation Center (ISC) instantly initiated programs to
perform its functional activities. Ever since, ISC has been developing
during several stages:
1.Analyzing accredited Persian journals in ISC multiple systems
and products since 1999.
2.Input and processing of accredited Arabic journals of the
Islamic countries in various ISC system products since 2005.
3.Processing and analyzing accredited English scientific
journals in Iran and other Islamic countries and presentation of the
results to the scientific communities since 2005.
4.In the final stage, ISC is planning to deal with Turkish,
Indonesian, Malaysian, French, and other scientific languages.
Preliminary activities have been done and programs will be gradually
completed along with the development of ISC organization. ISC surveyed
the distribution of scientific journals in the Muslim world and
selected, as the first step, 1352 accredited journals for indexing
based on Citation Index Regulations for Accredited Publications.
Timeline of the Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC)
The most important administrative and practical efforts on the way of
establishment of the Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC) are:
1.Recommendation of the Supreme Leader regarding the
establishment of a citation system for Iran and the Islamic World in
2.Pilot program of Persian Journal Citation Reports (PJCR) in
the Regional Information Center for Science and Technology in 2000.
3.Inaugurating the pilot program by the former vice- minister
for Research Affairs in the Ministry of Science, Research and
Technology, in June 2006.
4.ISC first national conference in Asr-e- Enghelab Research
Complex, September 2006, attended by Dr. Zahedi, the respectable
minister, Dr. Kabganian, vice-minister, editors of research journals
and members of Journal Commission of the Ministry of Science, Research
and Technology.
5.ISC workshop in Tehran 2006, during the Research and
Technology Week for journal editors and vice chancellors for research
affairs in the universities and research centers.
6.ISC approval in the 9th public meeting of the Ministers of
Education of the Islamic countries in Rabat, Morocco, 2007.
7.Establishment of Iran Science Citation Index in 2007.
8.Providing the Arabic and English research journals of the
Islamic countries to ISC in March 2004.
9.Presenting ISC top research journals in the Research and
Technology Week in 2006 up to now.
10.Establishment of Iran Essential Science Indicators (IESI) in 2008.
11.Approval of the policies of the Islamic World Science
Citation Center (ISC) by the Supreme Council of the Cultural
Revolution on May 2008.
12.Establishment of the Persian Highly-cited Proceedings
Database (PHPD) on June 2008.
13.Establishment of the Persian Citation Alert (PCA) on July 2008.
14.Establishment of the ISC Electronic Journal Submission System
in Persian, English and Arabic on November 2008.
15.ISC approval in the 4th Meeting of the Ministers of Higher
Education of the Islamic Countries in Baku, Azerbaijan, in Oct. 2008
attended by the Minister of Science, Research and Technology, I. R. of
Iran, His Excellency Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Zahedi and Dr. Jafar Mehrad,
president of ISC.
16.Implementation of the system of full-text articles of
Persian, Arabic and English journals of the Islamic World in 2008.
17.Implementation of a Citation Report System for citations and
H-index in Dec. 2008.
18.ISC seminar for Deputy Ministers and Directors of Education
and Research in the Ministries of Higher Education of the Islamic
Countries in Tehran, Iran, Dec.21-22, 2008.
19.Publication of the first volume of Iran's book of Science
based on ISC in Nov. 2008.
20.Signing ISC and SCOPUS Memorandum of Understanding in March
2008 by Dr. Jafar Mehrad, president of ISC and Mr. Niels Weertman,
director of Scopus, Performance and Planning and Collaboration.
21.Approval of the Regulations of the accredited scientific
journals' Citation Index in the Islamic World Science Citation Center
(ISC) in March 2008.
22.First meeting of ISC Executive Committee in Shiraz in April 2009.
23.Approval of 153 Persian scientific journals with Impact
Factor (IF) in ISC Steering Committee in March 2008.
24.Approval of 13 English scientific journals with IF in April 2009.
25.ISC seminar in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in July 6-7, 2009.
26.Approval of 310 Persian, Arabic and English scientific
journals with IF in Jan. 2010.
27.Establishment of ISC Journal Performance Indicators Database in 2009.
28.Publication of second volume of Iran's Book of Science in ISC in 2009.
29.Implementation of XML System of ISC Electronic Journal
Submission in 2009.
30.Establishment of ISC Electronic Proceedings Submission System in 2009.
31.Approval of 406 Persian, 69 Arabic and 49 English and French
journals by ISC Steering Committee, in July 14, 2010.
32.ISC seminar for Islamic countries in collaboration with the
Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance during Tehran Press
Exhibition in 2010.
33.ISESCO first invitation of Dr. Mehrad, president of the
Islamic World Science Citation Center, to the 5th Meeting of the
Ministers of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Islamic
countries Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on November, 2010.
34.Assignment of the ranking of universities and research
centers to ISC by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology in
35.Signing an agreement between ISC and the Iranian Science and
Technology Vice President for reviewing science and technology,
providing cogent statistics on scientific and technological activities
in the Islamic Republic of Iran, identifying nation's main axes of
scientific production and regular investigation of the status of the
Islamic Republic of Iran in the region and the world in 2010.
36.Developing the Atlas of Scientific Productions of Iran’s
scientists and researchers based on agreement signed between ISC
president, Dr. MEhrad and deputy minister in research affairs, MSRT,
Dr. Mahdinejad Nouri.
On 3/3/17, Saeed Ul Hassan <saeedulhassan at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> I hope you would like this new project published by my lab today!
> ITU Quality Research Rankings (ITU-QRR) is intended to provide objective
> data and analytics of more than 450 universities and institutes of the
> Muslim World to benchmark research performance across 250 plus subject
> areas for the purpose of strengthening the quality and impact of research.
> The system can be accessed at the following URL: http://rankings.itu.edu.pk
> http://www.technologyreview.pk/theres-new-ranking-system-universities-muslim-countries/
> Best Regards,
> Saeed
Assistant Professor. Information Science & Knowledge Department. Education
and Psychology School. Shahid Beheshti University. Velenjak. Tehran.
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