[Sigmetrics] National Academies Final Report on Future Directions for NSF Advanced Computing Infrastructure

Borner, Katy katy at indiana.edu
Wed May 18 11:02:50 EDT 2016

Relevant for computational network science, computational SciSIP, computational social science, and many other computational X.

From: NSF/CISE Division of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (ACI) Announcements [mailto:ACI-ANNOUNCE at LISTSERV.NSF.GOV] On Behalf Of Kurose, James
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 10:05 AM
Subject: National Academies Final Report on Future Directions for NSF Advanced Computing Infrastructure

Dear Computing and Information Science and Engineering Community,

It is our great pleasure to inform you that the final report from the National Academies on Future Directions for NSF Advanced Computing Infrastructure to Support U.S. Science and Engineering in 2017-2020 is now available for download at http://www.nap.edu/catalog/21886.

This study was commissioned by CISE’s Division of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (ACI) in 2013 to examine priorities and trade-offs for advanced computing in support of NSF-supported science and engineering research.  An interim report was published in Fall 2014 identifying key issues and catalyzing input from the community.  The final report, which was issued in late April, considered contributions from multiple stakeholders, including more than 60 submitted comments from individuals, research groups, and organizations.

The recommendations within the report aim to:  (1) position the United States for continued leadership in science and engineering; (2) ensure that computing resources meet community needs; (3) aid the scientific community in keeping up with the revolution in computing, and (4) sustain the infrastructure for advanced computing.

We are enthusiastic about the study’s helpful observations and recommendations.  The timing of the report is excellent, syncing with planning for NSF’s future research cyberinfrastructure (CI) investments.  It also nicely complements the National Strategic Computing Initiative (NSCI)<https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2015/07/29/executive-order-creating-national-strategic-computing-initiative> that was announced last summer and some of our internal planning with respect to data infrastructure as the NSF-wide Cyberinfrastructure for 21st-Century Science, Engineering, and Education (CIF21) effort transitions.

Please join us in thanking the study committee for all their work, especially the study co-chairs, Bill Gropp and Robert Harrison. We also want to thank the community for thoughtful input and review.

We invite you to a webcast<https://nsfevents.webex.com/mw0401lsp13/mywebex/default.do?nomenu=true&siteurl=nsfevents&service=6&rnd=0.5327665224517519&main_url=https%3A%2F%2Fnsfevents.webex.com%2Fec0701lsp13%2Feventcenter%2Fevent%2FeventAction.do%3FtheAction%3Ddetail%26confViewID%3D3428265585%26%26EMK%3D4832534b00000002529d7614e1fc1cd81ff229c6df23ac503aa000e6a97e745dc2ca85d1eba4a4cb%26%26encryptTicket%3DSDJTSwAAAAJRdVtbEAlEGV0jGH0nVLGeoAfV0PTPMYCuACO191DFng2%26%26siteurl%3Dnsfevents> on this new report with Bill and Robert during the next meeting of the Advisory Committee for Cyberinfrastructure (ACCI)<https://www.nsf.gov/events/event_summ.jsp?cntn_id=138596&org=null> on Monday, May 23rd at 10:45 AM ET.

Irene and Jim

Irene Qualters, Division Director, Advanced Cyberinfrastructure
Jim Kurose, Assistant Director of NSF for CISE
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