[Sigmetrics] FW: Triple Helix XIV International Conference
Loet Leydesdorff
loet at leydesdorff.net
Tue Mar 15 03:31:10 EDT 2016
Triple Helix XIV International Conference
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Triple Helix Models of Innovation:
Addressing Ecosystem Challenges in the Era of Crises:
Economic, Political, Social, Environmental, Epidemiological and Global Conscience
XIV International Triple Helix Conference 2016, Heidelberg, Germany
25-27th September 2016
<http://triplehelixassociation.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=13b268c2fc1016735cb84b917&id=13144ebebf&e=9197fb9ecf> Abstract Submission System Open! <http://triplehelixassociation.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=13b268c2fc1016735cb84b917&id=c724089d07&e=9197fb9ecf> Register now!
Europe, North and South America, Africa, Near and Middle East as well as Asia face continually erupting crises, global in scale and concatenated in scope. Interrelated issues, left unaddressed, is a global crisis of conscience. Flint Michigan’s financial crisis morphed into, at best, ignored, and, at worst, suppressed knowledge of brain damage to children from lead in water pipes. Brazil’s Zika epidemiological crisis, a consequence of inattention to environments that encourage mosquito breeding, threatens a social crisis as it spreads through broader populations, well beyond the poor pregnant women initially thought to be at risk. Failure to mobilize the country’s construction industry to provide favelas with water and sanitary systems threatens a political crisis of legitimization even as immediate needs of raising people from poverty are addressed. San Francisco’s rising eviction rate, an unintended consequence of tax breaks to encourage business development in poor neighborhoods, threatens to unravel the City’s social fabric.
Dear Colleagues,
this year’s <http://triplehelixassociation.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=13b268c2fc1016735cb84b917&id=d0b1d9d5d7&e=9197fb9ecf> Triple Helix XIV International Conference will be hosted by the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) – Helmholtz Foundation, in Heidelberg (Germany) with the focus on models of Innovation.
The <http://triplehelixassociation.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=13b268c2fc1016735cb84b917&id=bb3bf9142b&e=9197fb9ecf> call for papers is open and up-to-date with 16 great tracks that will enhance discussions and bring together key actors from the fields. Plenary discussions will focus on how Triple Helix solutions that emerge in crisis situations. We invite speakers to address different crises around the globe - financial, economic, political, environmental, social or epidemiological. The proliferation of these crises around the world challenges reliable and controlled processes and establish a troubleshoot mode of governance, opening space for new forms of coalitions.
Furthermore, the conference will highlight how the Triple Helix model is implemented in Germany. Practitioners, policy makers and academics will discuss how the German ecosystem is shaped, the role in the world and Europe as well as what can be learned from the interplay between the German federal state and the provinces, especially with a focus on Baden-Württemberg, as one of the most innovative and high-performance research areas in Europe.
We aim to create discussions on the role of science parks, incubators and other knowledge transfer environments with linkages to the entrepreneurial university. The significance of the triple helix model in health and life science industries will be highlighted also from a demand perspective of service providers.
We are developing the program with further plenaries, workshops and other events and will keep you updated.
We invite you to an attractive social program in the area of Heidelberg, with home of one of the oldest universities in Europe (founded 1386). Among other events you will have access to a visit of the Heidelberg castle, walk through the old town of Heidelberg and an informal discussion evening at the Max-Weber-Haus.
<http://triplehelixassociation.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=13b268c2fc1016735cb84b917&id=52185ea3fe&e=9197fb9ecf> Submit now your Abstract making use of our Paper submission system now available online, to qualify for the Super Early bird registration fee!
We look forward to meet you in Heidelberg!
Triple Helix Association & International Triple Helix Institute team
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** apologies for cross-postings. L.
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