[Sigmetrics] references for scientific document citation networks

Jevin West jevinw at uw.edu
Mon Jun 6 23:30:21 EDT 2016

Hi Mark,

We have built article-level citation networks for studies using JSTOR, Web of Science, arXiv, and DBLP.  Here are a couple papers where we employed ranking and clustering at the level of articles.  Happy to share others that involve article-level networks or answer any questions you have.

1. A recommendation system based on hierarchical clustering of an article-level citation network.  [PDF<http://www.jevinwest.org/Documents/WestIEEE2016.pdf>]
2. Static Ranking of Scholarly Papers using Article-Level Eigenfactor.  [PDF<http://www.jevinwest.org/Documents/WesleySmithWSDM2016.pdf>]
3. Finding Cultural Holes: How Structure and Culture Diverge in Networks of Scholarly Communication.  [PDF<http://www.sociologicalscience.com/articles-vol1-15-221/>]


Jevin West
Assistant Professor
Information School
University of Washington

On Jun 6, 2016, at 7:13 PM, Mark C. Wilson <mc.wilson at auckland.ac.nz<mailto:mc.wilson at auckland.ac.nz>> wrote:

Dear Sigmetrists,

It is relatively easy to find (via e.g. Google Scholar) research on collaboration networks, co-citation networks, journal to journal citation networks, etc. However I find surprisingly little on the obvious topic of article-to-article citation networks. I have a vague memory of seeing this done for something like arXiv.org<http://arxiv.org> or DBLP, but have not been able to find it. I did find one paper claiming to have built such a network with 236000 nodes by searching Journal Citation Reports - I have no idea how that could be done on a reasonable budget.

Any hints to where to look would be greatly appreciated.

Mark C. Wilson,  Department of Computer Science, University of Auckland
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