[Sigmetrics] Fully funded PhD studentships in scientometrics at the Knowledge Media institute, UK

Petr Knoth petrknoth at gmail.com
Thu Jun 2 04:34:38 EDT 2016

The Knowledge Media institute, The Open University, UK is currently
offering fully-funded PhD studentships. The following topic might be
of a particular interest to the members of this list:

- Web-scale research analytics for identifying high performance and
trends: data-driven approaches to scientometrics.

It is expected the research will use a combination of bibliometric,
altmetric and article full-text data to develop new research metrics.
The research will analyse how predictive they are with respect to
peer-review judgements. A very large dataset of publication full-texts
(millions of articles from all disciplines), a large citation network
(500M+ citation links) and altmetric indicators, and peer-review
judgements from across disciplines is readily available.

Deadline for applications: 20th June 2016.

The offered stipend of 14,057 GBP per annum plus waived student fees
is offered for 3 years. Prospective applicants should contact me and
Prof Zdrahal directly at petr.knoth at open.ac.uk and
zdenek.zdrahal at open.ac.uk prior to application.

Best wishes,


Dr. Petr Knoth
Research Fellow
Knowledge Media institute
The Open University
Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, BUCKS, United Kingdom
phone: +44 (0)1908 654548
Web: https://www.linkedin.com/in/petrknoth
Twitter: @petrknoth

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