[Sigmetrics] *** Deadline Extension*** IMCW2016, October. 10-11, 2016, Vienna, Austria

Zehra TAŞKIN zehrayanar at gmail.com
Tue Apr 12 02:52:10 EDT 2016

(Apologies for cross posting)

Dear Colleagues:

Due to a number of requests from our colleagues, the deadline to submit
contributions to IMCW2016: 7th International Conference on Information
Management in a Changing World to be held in Vienna, Austria, from October
10-11, 2016, has been extended to May 2, 2016.  Co-located with ICKM2016:
12th International Conference on Knowledge Management, IMCW2016 will take
place at Hotel Imperial Renaissance Vienna and participants may attend the
sessions of both events if registered for IMCW2016.

Theme: *"Industry 4.0 in Information Management"*

Keynote speakers:
Professor *Ahmed Bounfour*, President of the New Club of Paris: “Digital
transformation and organizing: from lean production to ‘acceluction’”
Professor *Helmut Willke*, Zeppelin University, Friedrichshafen, Germany:
“Next step in knowledge management: collective intelligence and the
intelligent organization”

For more information;
***For submission please use http://openconf.bilgiyonetimi.net
The online registration is open:

Looking forward to meeting you in Vienna.

*Yaşar Tonta and Serap Kurbanoğlu, General Co-chairs*
*Yurdagül Ünal, Program Chair*
*Hacettepe University*
*Department of Information Management*
*06800 Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey*
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