***Final Call and Deadline Extension (http://imcw2015.bilgiyonetimi.net/documents/imcw2015_final_call.pdf)*** IMCW2015, Nov. 25-27, 2015, Guangzhou, China

Güleda Doğan guledaduzyol at GMAIL.COM
Mon May 18 07:53:43 EDT 2015

(Apologies for cross posting)

Dear Colleagues:

This is the final call for papers for *IMCW2015: 6th International
Conference on Information Management in a Changing World* to be held in
Guangzhou, China, from November 25-27, 2015.  *Please note that the last
day to submit extended abstracts, posters, and workshop proposals has been
extended to* *June 1, 2015*.

*Theme: "**Information Management in the Big Data Era: For a Better World**

*For more information: *http://imcw2015.bilgiyonetimi.net

****For submission please use **http://openconf.bilgiyonetimi.net

The online registration will be open soon.

Looking forward to meeting you in China.

*Yaşar Tonta, Serap Kurbanoğlu, **Changzhu Huang and Feichang Ma*

*General Co-chairs, IMCW2015 *
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