CfPs: 6th International Conference on Cloud System and Big Data Engineering, at ASET, Amity University, Noida, India; 14-15 January 2016
anup kumar das
anupdas2072 at GMAIL.COM
Mon Jun 15 05:21:15 EDT 2015
*Global Technology, Innovation & Entrepreneurship Summit 2016 (GLOBAL TIE
Summit 2016): 6th International Conference on Cloud System and Big Data
*Venue: Amity School of Engineering and Technology (ASET), Amity
University, Noida, India*
*Dates: 14-15 January 2016 *
The Conference is themed on "Cloud System and Big Data Engineering", by
looking at the industry trends and with focus on collaboration and social
media as the emerging themes. The conference will invite the best talent of
the industry and academic circles who will present thought provoking
sessions. Cloud computing system, being an emerging area in computing
technology, supports processing of large volume of data as per on-demand
service. It shares resources to work rather than having local servers doing
the job. The demand for professionals with knowledge of Cloud Computing is
expect to rise exponentially because more and more companies are
implementing this technology. Basis of Big Data is formed by the three Vs
of Volume, Variety and Velocity for over a decade and each V is handled
with different technology. Our main aim of this summit is to bridge the gap
between Industries & Academics and in the past we have not only succeeded
but we have created a big family combining all the top companies and
Academia. The priority of current summit will be to promote new innovative
ideas based on theme to increase the productivity with main focus on next
generation technologies, innovative approaches, speed, quality enhancement,
and cost reduction.
*Call for Papers*
Amity School of Engineering and Technology (ASET), Amity University, NOIDA,
India is organizing its Global TIE Summit 2016 on the theme Cloud System
and Big Data Engineering. Global TIE Summit 2016 intends to bring together
Professionals, Academicians, Industry Experts, Researchers and Enthusiasts
to discuss various emerging trends and innovations, share research results
and new directions in the field of next generation technologies. This
technical conference aims at providing a platform for industry and academia
for sharing advancements in research and development in upcoming areas of
Information Technology. Authors are cordially invited to submit paper
through online paper submission process (Easy Chair submission system)
before 15th September 2015.
*Instructions for Authors*
Original papers based on theoretical or experimental works related to the
above mentioned sub themes are solicited for presentation in the
conference. The paper should begin with title, short abstract and a list of
keywords. Simultaneous submissions (papers already submitted to other
conferences/journals) are not allowed.
- All papers must follow strict IEEE formatting instructions
- Please do not submit plagiarized papers.
- The total length of the paper must not exceed six A4 size pages
including bibliography and appendices. Paper must be in PDF.
· All the papers will be submitted through on-line paper submission
process (EasyChair submission system
Authors are requested to follow paper submission link on website.
In order to publish paper in the conference proceeding, the authors are
required to submit a signed copyright form for each accepted paper during
*Important Dates*
- Paper Submission Deadline: 15th September 2015
- Notification of Acceptance: 30th October 2015
- Camera ready Paper Submission Deadline: 15th November 2015
- Last Date of Registration: 15th November 2015
*Online Submission of Papers
*Call for Posters*
GLOBAL TIE Summit 2016 Technical symposia include oral and poster
presentation of research papers grouped into parallel tracks. Global TIE
Summit 2016 is organizing a poster session aimed at showcasing work in
progress. The poster papers are an independent part of the conference, and
are not selected from the main submission of the full length papers.
Authors are invited to submit original poster papers on any topic relevant
to the theme of the conference.
Instructions for Posters:
- Poster must be color printed.
- Poster title must be 40 pt in Times New Roman.
- Normal text size should be at least 20 pt in Times New Roman.
- Author name, department etc. must be in 14 pt in Times New Roman.
- Each visual should have a caption.
*Best Poster Award:*
Posters will be reviewed by members of poster committee based on
originality, significance, quality and clarity. The Best poster award will
be of INR 10000.
*Important Dates:*
Final Poster Submission Deadline: 15th September 2015
Notification of acceptance: 30th October 2015
Last Date of Registration: 15th November 2015
Send your poster via email with subject line "Poster Submission 'Title of
poster' " to Email id: gtie2016 at After approval, the final
poster, Copyright form and Registration form should be submitted.
*Further Details <>*
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