SALIS 2015 - National Conference on Advancement in Library and Information Science & Technology - Announcement - reg
saravanan.g at IFPINDIA.ORG
Tue Jan 27 05:21:24 EST 2015
Dear Madam/Sir,
== Call for Papers ==
You are invited to participate in the upcoming "National Conference on
Advancement in Library and Information Science & Technology: Challenges
and Opportunities (ALIST 2015) July 10 - 11, 2015**to be held**BS Abdur
Rahman University, Chennai, India
=== Important Dates ===
Submission of full-paper : 15.04.2015
Communication of Acceptance : 30.04.2015
Registration : 31.05. 2015
Conference : July 10-11, 2015
Chennai, India
Below conference includes**Citation studies-Scientometrics.
National Conference on Advancement in Library and Information Science &
Technology: Challenges and Opportunities (ALIST 2015) July 10 - 11, 2015*
Organized by
Central Library, BS Abdur Rahman University, Chennai, India
Society for the Advancement of Library and Information Science
About the Conference
The term Library Science is often referred as Librarianship, Library
Studies, Documentation, Information Science and Library and Information
Science (LIS). It is an interdisciplinary field that applies the
concepts, practices, methods, techniques, applications and tools of
other subjects such as education, mathematics, statistics, economics,
psychology, management, linguistics, philosophy, IT, etc., for selecting
evaluating, acquiring, organizing, storing, preserving information
resources in print and electronic formats and disseminating to the users
worldwide for learning, teaching and research using various channels
such as intranet, internet, web, email, mobile and social networking tools.
Acquisition, classification, cataloguing, organization, documentation
and management of information System and services are the core areas of
LIS in the past as wells in the present. The Information explosion and
the revolution in IT in this digital world made tremendous impact and
changes in the traditional core activities and services of LIS in terms
of how information is acquired, organized, retrieved, preserved and
In the recent past, LIS uses the technologies and tools of computer,
communication, electronic, database, barcode, RFID, network, wireless,
web, digital, cloud, media and mobile technologies, Expert system, AI ,
E-publishing, etc for Information Storage and Retrieval (ISR) and also
the principles and practices of modern management including KM for the
managing the information systems, servcies and resources. LIS embraced
these technologies to provide timely and high quality information
services to the users of Google generation in the knowledge society
whenever and wherever they are.
These technologies thrown many challenges and also employment
opportunities in LIS and also in other fields to LIS professionals which
resulted many advancements and developments in LIS. The LIS
professionals have to update their knowledge and skills in the aforesaid
areas not only to cope up with the fast developments in the digital
world but also use the opportunities for the betterment of their lives.
Conference Objectives
The conference is intended to provide a forum for LIS professionals to
discuss, deliberate and exchange knowledge and ideas about the
advancement in LIS. The objectives are to discuss the:
• Advancements and developments in LIS
• Explorations and innovations in LIS
• New functions and innovative services of Libraries
• Changes that are required in Education, Research and Training
• New roles of LIS professionals
• Challenges and career opportunities in LIS
• Professional skills
Themes and Sub-Themes
I. Libraries and Society & Social Responsibility
New vision, mission and policy for creating knowledge society
Information to all - Freedom of access - Right to Information
Widening Access: Information rich and poor - the haves and the have-nots
Social, political, ethical and cultural context of Libraries
Information/Knowledge Society
Integration of Libraries and Media
Changes, challenges and opportunities in Public, Academic, R & D,
Corporate-Media, Museum and Special Libraries
Green Libraries - Open Library
2. LIS Education, Research and Training for the Future
Advances LIS and Librarianship
Fission - Fusion of subjects - convergence of technologies with LIS
New Areas for LIS Education, Training and Research to meet the digital
Information Work place- Digital Humanities- Social Media Tools
Semantic IRS and Web- Search Engines-Information behavior on the Web
*Citation studies-Scientometrics*
Digital Libraries-Open Source Software Technology
3. Innovative Library Services
Redefining the traditional Library services
Virtual Community services
Collaborative Campus Service
National Shared service
Knowledge based library services
Integration of Social Networking Tools and Digital Media Commons
Information Literacy Programmes
4. Technology Enabled Library Services
Bits to Bigdata- Web data mining- Storage and accessibility
Knowledge Discovery Tools- Web and Linked data
Integration of next generation social media tools-Web service
Web enabled cloud Library system and services
Email and SMS integrated services
Mobile Services
E-resource access and management
5. Exploration- Innovation and New Roles in LIST
New Avenues and Convergence: Psychology-Behavior
Science-Education-Statistics- Marketing-Law-Management
IT-DBMS-Information Architecture-AI and Expert System
Media Common
E-commerce- Outsourcing
Event Management
KM-IPR and Copyrights-Plagiarism-RTI
Web editors - Meta data creators- aggregators
6. Collection Development and Resource sharing
Policy for Print and E-resources – accessibility and preservation
Collection to content relevant - Availability to Accessibility
New approached for ILL, Document Delivery and Resource Sharing - consortia
Networking and Collaboration: People- library - institutions-
Regional-National – International
7. Challenges and Opportunities
Challenges and constrains of : budget - infrastructure - physical space
Lack of skilled manpower - training
Birth and death of new technologies -Convergence of technologies
Information explosion - availability and quality of resources and services
Deployment of other professionals
8. Management and Capacity Building
Professional Skill Development
Modern Management - Principles, Techniques and Practices - KM
Skills- Stress and Time Management
Evidence-based library and information practice (EBLIP)
Best and New Practices and Process, ISO and TQM
Submission of Papers
Original and unpublished papers on the conference themes (but not
limited to!) are invited for presentation at the conference. Papers will
be accepted only after strict review by the Editorial Committee.
Accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings with
ISBN. Selected papers may be published in SALIS journals.
Author Guidelines
The full paper in word file (with an abstract not exceeding 200 words
and at least 3 keywords) should be submitted as an e-mail attachment to
alist2015 at Paper should not exceed 6 pages (line space: 1.5,
font size: 12, font: Times New Roman, Reference style: APA).
Important Dates
Submission of full-paper 30.04.2015
Communication of Acceptance 15.05.2015
Last date for Registration 31.06.2015
Papers will not be accepted without registration fee.
Conference Websites
Target Participants
Librarians, Information professionals, LIS Teachers, Students and
Research scholars.
The delegates will be provided accommodation in the University hostel on
sharing basis against an advance payment of Rs.500/- on first cum first
served basis. In case of non-availability of rooms in the hostel,
accommodation will be arranged in the nearby hotels on extra payment.
Participants can also make their own arrangements for accommodation at
hotels available at Tambaram and Chennai.
The University is located in the outskirts of Chennai city on the G.S.T.
Road, (Chennai-Trichy National Highway) 7 km from Tambaram, 2 km from
Vandalur Railway Station, 17 km from the International Airport and 35
K.M from Central Railway station. Being adjacent
Address for Correspondence
Organizing Secretary, ALIST2015
B.S.Abdur Rahman University
G S T Road, Vandalur
Chennai – 600048 Tamil Nadu, India.
Phone: 044-22759207 Fax: 044-22750250, Mobile: 0 9940614272
E-Mail: alist2015 at
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