DBT-DST Open Access Policy - Now 2nd Draft available for public comments
anup kumar das
anupdas2072 at GMAIL.COM
Fri Oct 10 09:36:25 EDT 2014
Dear Colleagues,
Now DBT-DST open access policy redrafted based on your inputs. They are
open to more inputs till Nov 17. Also compare which clauses are dropped
from the first draft. Here is the revised draft available online:
Comments/ Responses already available for the first draft of DBT-DST Open
Access Policy
1. Comments on the Proposed Open Access Policy of the DBT-DST by the Centre
for Internet and Society, India
2. India’s DBT and DST Call for Comments on Draft Open Access Policy with
Respect to Public Funded Research by SpicyIP Tidbit
3. Bravo to India’s DBT / DST on their proposed open access policy! by Dr.
Heather Morrison
4. Elsevier Response on DBT-DST Open Access Policy
5. Why not all research data be on Open Access?
With Best Regards
On Sun, Jul 6, 2014 at 7:31 PM, <goal-request at eprints.org> wrote:
Re: Open Access Policy on Website for Comments-Revised (4.7.2014) (Stevan
From: Stevan Harnad <amsciforum at gmail.com>
The DBT/DST OA Mandate is excellent. It includes all six critical
conditions for a natural, effective, verifiable and successful policy:
1. Author freedom of choice of journal is preserved.
2. Author may choose Green OA self-archiving or Gold OA publishing
3. Final refereed draft must be deposited in institutional repository
immediately upon acceptance for publication
4. Funding is contingent on immediate deposit
5. Publisher embargo on making the immediate-deposit OA not to exceed 12
6. Repository should have the copy-request Button so author can provide
individual access during embargo
The critical conditions are excerpted below:
DBT/DST Open Access Policy
Grantees can make their papers open-access by publishing in an open-access
journal or, if they choose to publish in a subscription journal, by posting
the final accepted manuscript to an online repository. What should be
deposited? The final accepted manuscript (after refereeing, revision, etc.)
Where to deposit? The manuscript should be deposited in the grantee?s own
institution?s interoperable institutional repository (IR). If the
institution does not yet have an IR of its own, then the paper should be
deposited in the central repository, which will be created by *DBT/DST.*
When to deposit? Deposits should be made within one week of acceptance by
the journal. However, if the journal insists on an embargo, the material
should still be deposited, but the repository will keep the deposited
papers non-OA and only make it fully OA at the end of the embargo period.
Suggest that the period of embargo not be greater than one year.
Articles under an embargo can still be made available to individuals by use
of the Request Button available with the IR software. By use of the Request
Button, a reader may automatically send a request for a copy to the author,
as is commonly done by other communication means.
Who should deposit? The principal investigator (PI) or someone authorized
by the PI, or anyone authorized by the head of the institution where the
work is carried out (such as the librarian), can deposit the papers. Both
the PI and the head of the institution will be responsible for timely
deposit of the paper.
Depositing in a repository is mandatory Unless the deposit ID is quoted in
the project report as well as in future proposals for funding, the
proposals will not be considered.
The DBT/DST recommend/s that all authors receiving funds from DBT/DST
should, at the time of returning the copyright transfer form, inform the
publisher that they would retain the right to place the full-text of the
final author version in the institution?s IR and DBT/DST Central. This can
be achieved by attaching to the copyright transfer agreement the DBT/DST
author addendum.
Stevan Harnad
On Sat, Jul 5, 2014 at 1:55 AM, Subbiah Arunachalam <
subbiah.arunachalam at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear All,
> Here is the proposed OA policy for DBT and DST, Government of India.
> http://dbtindia.nic.in/docs/DBT-DST_Open_Access_Policy.pdf
> Your comments and suggestions are welcome.
> With best regards,
> Arun
*Dr. Anup Kumar Das*
Centre for Studies in Science Policy
School of Social Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi - 110067, India
Web: www.anupkumardas.blogspot.com
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