Mobility in co-authorship networks

Gohar Feroz Khan gohar.feroz at GMAIL.COM
Mon Nov 24 02:52:59 EST 2014

Dear Colleagues:

Can anyone point me to the studies (if any) on detecting/analyzing mobility
in a co-authorship network: authors changing affiliation or moving to
another institutions. How can one find if mobility exists (or not) in a
certain co-authorship network? I am particularly interested in the studies
that looked it from the social network analysis technique perspective.

My assumption is that the co-authorship networks in some established
disciplined maybe more stable (in terms of mobility) as compared to the
niche disciplines.

Thank you,

Khan, Gohar Feroz
Assistant Professor
Korea University of Technology & Education (KoreaTECH)
1600 Chungjol-ro Byungcheon-myun
Cheonan city, 330-708, South Korea
Office: 82-41-560-1415; Mobile: +82-10-5510-8071
email: gohar.feroz at

Director Centre for Social Technologies <>
Associate Editor Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia
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