DSpace & EPrints Help Authors Provide Access During Publisher OA Embargoes

Stevan Harnad amsciforum at GMAIL.COM
Sat May 31 09:59:32 EDT 2014

(not quite "leads <https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPACE/RequestCopy>
"!) EPrints <http://wiki.eprints.org/w/RequestEprint> in providing access (not
Access"!) to research during publisher OA embargo periods (via the
facilitated Request-Copy Button

*http://duraspace.org/node/2133 <http://duraspace.org/node/2133>*
Just in time, I hope, to help shape the implementation of the US Public
Access Policy
ensuring that mandatory deposit is (1) *immediate
waiting to deposit only after the allowable OA embargoes of publishers have
elapsed) and (2) *institutional

Institutions can then (a) monitor and ensure compliance
the US Public Access Policy and (b) implement the institutional
repository's facilitated Request-Copy Button
allows the author to provide an individual copy to an individual requestor
with a single click on a case by case basis during the publisher's OA
embargo period.

(Both metadata and full-texts of institutional deposits can then be
exported to or harvested by
central repositories desired: disciplinary, national, or even funder-based.)
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