release of the ENID website

Hinze, Sybille hinze at FORSCHUNGSINFO.DE
Thu Feb 13 10:27:58 EST 2014

Apologies for cross postings

Dear all,

The European Network of Indicators Designer, ENID, is pleased to announce the release of its new website: The website provided up-to date information about ENID and its activities such as upcoming events, in particular ENID's Science and Technology Indicators Conference 2014, which will be organized by CWTS and held in Leiden, the Netherlands.

While we hope that you will find the new website interesting and informative, we also encourage you to actively contribute to keep the website attractive by providing up-to date information to be posted. To publish any news or information on events relevant to the ENID network and beyond to the relevant communities please contact the ENID secretary<mailto:ENID at>.

ENID is an open network. All organizations and individuals active in the field of S&T Indicators can join the association and contribute to its activities. You can apply for membership in ENID by filling the template<> mounted to the ENID website.

Enjoy browsing the new website

Sybille Hinze
ENID secretary
Dr. Sybille Hinze

ENID at<mailto:ENID at>

Institut für Forschungsinformation und Qualitätssicherung
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