altmetrics14 - deadline extension
Judit Bar-Ilan at MAIL.HUJI.AC.IL
Sat Apr 19 00:50:06 EDT 2014
Apologies for cross posting!
Dear colleagues,
*The submission deadline to altmetrics14 has been extended!!*
We invite you to submit your extended abstracts to the altmetrics14
workshop at the ACM Web Science Conference 2014 until *May 2, 2014*:
altmetrics14: expanding impacts and metrics
ACM Web Science Conference 2014 Workshop
Bloomington, Indiana
June 23, 2014
Following the successful altmetrics11 and altmetrics12 workshops, the goal
of this year's workshop is to provide a platform to present scholarly
research related to altmetrics. The main goal is to improve the
understanding of altmetrics and their underlying social media platforms,
technological challenges, various biases involved in data, as well as
pitfalls and possibilities of these new metrics. The workshop will be held
as a full event preceding the ACM Web Science Conference 2014 (
Prospective authors should submit 2-page extended, structured abstracts
(max. 1000 words, not including references) presenting new results and
original work that has not been previously published via EasyChair:
Registration fees
The workshop is free for registered participants of WebSci14:
Judit Bar-Ilan
Department of Information Science
Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, 5290002, Israel
Tel: 972-3-5318351 Fax: 972-3-7384027
email: Judit.Bar-Ilan at
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