Urgent Need for access to web of science for Masters Dissertation

Obinna B. Ojemeni obinnaojemeni at YAHOO.COM
Wed Apr 16 19:25:26 EDT 2014

Dear Fellow Scholars,

I am presently concluding my research project on bibliometric analysis of predatory OA journals (medical sciences) originating from Nigeria, but it has been difficult and impossible to arrive at a definite and reasonable conclusion without using ISI database; to ascertain the cited and citing journals (whether ISI-indexed or non-ISI & high or low impact journals).

Thanks in anticipation for your favourable consideration. Any assistance will be appreciated.


Obinna Ojemeni
M.Inf.Sci student,
Africa Regional Centre for Information Science (ARCIS),
University of Ibadan,
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

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